030. The Mall Reunion

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(Ep. 7: The Bite)

Scoops Troop, the name given to them by Dustin, all peeked their heads out through the crack of the door. Now that the movie was finished, it was just a matter of blending in with the hopes those armed guards wouldn't notice them.

What was once a silent floor had been replaced by the loud crowd just walking around as they discussed the far too confusing movie. Gwen doesn't want to admit the regret of having left the cinema just to search for a damned shake, which was of no use since everything was closed.

Dustin takes a step back as he addresses the group, mostly Steve, Gwen, and Robin. "Whatever you do, don't bring attention to yourselves." And just like that, the group calmly walks out as if they're not panicking on the inside.

Joining the crowd seemed too easy for Gwen's sake. Usually their plans don't go accordingly so she could only wonder what misfortunes are heading their way. She bumps into a few moviegoers, muttering a few apologies that are of no use since none of them look at her once. They're far too entertained talking about Back to the Future, forcing her to fade them out as she refuses to hear any spoilers.

Steve holds a firm grasp on Gwen as they slip their way through the crowd. Her hand is colder than normal, bringing him to blow warm air into them as he rubs their hands together.

"Well, shit, that worked," Erica says, impressed the plan she once doubted was turning out to be successful.

"Course it worked," Dustin states, cockiness dripping at the tip of his tongue. "We just have to get on the bus with the rest of these plebes, and home sweet home, here we come."

"Uh, Dustin?" Steve, Gwen, and Robin exchange glances, slightly terrified on how the boy would react. "We might not wanna go to your house."

"Why?" he nonchalantly asks, not even catching on to the shakiness in his voice.

"Well..." Steve starts walking at a leisure pace to try and get some distance between them. Knowing this kid, he's positively certain he's about to lose his shit right now. "I might've told them your full name."

Dustin's head quickly springs up, "What's wrong with you?"

"And..." Gwen takes a brief pause because how can she explain that she gave out information as well? Sure it wasn't his full name, but mentioning that he was the creator of the device that intercepted the Russians made her just as guilty as Steve. "I told them you were the one who made the Cerebro."

"Are you shitting me?!" he angrily whispers, his eyes widening in utter disbelief his own sister ratted him out.

"I didn't mean to," she remarks in a hushed tone while scanning the perimeter to make sure no guards are lurking around. "We were drugged so-"

"You're my sister so you're supposed to keep me safe! Not throw me into the lion's den!" Dustin snaps and frantically waves his arms around, "You have to suck it up!"

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