024. Confinement

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(Ep. 5: The Flayed)

Everything that could go wrong has officially happened.

The room has been dropping for what feels like an eternity. Gwen is holding on for dear life onto the metal table with her eyes squeezed shut as she worries that opening them would be one trip to barf town.

She can feel the metal digging into her hands from how tight her grip is. It starts hurting to the point she releases it and finds herself stumbling against the wall. Her eyes are still shut, but probably from the intense speed they're falling in, she can see stars through her eyelids.

"We're going down! We're going down!" Steve yells in utter panic as he tries to maintain a steady balance.

"Yeah, no shit, Harrington!" Robin snaps, bringing Gwen to open her eyes and see all of them in separate areas of the room.

Okay, it's not so bad. You didn't throw up at least, she thinks to herself.

"Why won't these buttons work?!" Dustin's loud shrieks echo throughout the room, making her ears pound against her skull as she tries to say anything, but for once, she's at a loss of words.

Shoving past everyone, Erica reaches the control box and tries pushing the curly haired boy away, "Press the button!"

"What do you think I'm doing?!" Dustin argues back as he starts frantically fighting with the girl over the control box.

"Just press something!" Gwen finally yells, not in the mood to listen to their arguing when they're in a deep crisis. She closes her eyes again, feeling the blinding lights start to hurt her sight.

"Push it!" Erica yells, now pressing a random button when seeing Dustin's panic has gained control over him. Maybe it was her luck or maybe she pressed the right thing, but the room comes to an abrupt halt, sending all of them across the room.

Steve trips over one of the boxes and starts falling backwards. He braces himself for the harsh impact, only he's surprised when he lands on something soft. He sighs in relief and leans back, "I'm okay! I'm all good!"

"Yeah, but I'm not!" Gwen tries shoving him off, but all his weight has fallen over her, which makes it incredibly hard to move. "Get your ass off me!"

Immediately, he stands up and tries helping her up, but she's too prideful to accept anyone's aid. She leans back against the wall and groans as she rubs her hand and brushed knee.

"Come on. Let me help you up," he ignores her trying to shove his hands off and just simply smiles to himself as he watches her try to shake the pain away like it's nothing. "Are you okay?"

"Definitely!" she seethes and shuts her eyes painfully. Steve reaches over and holds her tightly. Ignoring her complaints as he's just glad nothing worse happened.

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