053. When It's Cold I'd Like To Die

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(Ep. 9: The Piggyback)

With a loud gasp, Steve takes a deep breath as the vines loosen themselves, releasing him, Robin, and Nancy. His head spins uncontrollably as his vision becomes blurry, but through it all, he glances up the stairs in hopes of seeing Gwen coming back to them.

He waits and waits, but she never does.

Thinking the worst had happened, Steve starts sprinting up the stairs with sheer terror and trepidation. He's beyond terrified as to what he might see. That he would find her unconscious, that she could be hurt, or worse, that she could be dead.

No. He's not going to think like that. He's not going to think the worst. He has to remain hopeful, to trust that whatever higher power is out there wouldn't be this cruel to take away his world. After everything they went through, Gwen being alive and safe and sound is the least the Gods could allow.

"Gwen!" he calls out, but receives no answer.

His heart starts pounding against his chest, his mind plagues him with the worst possible images, and everything in his body is filling with tension. He jumps over the last couple of vines moving away and finally, he sees her.

She's taking deep breaths and clutching onto her chest like it's her lifeline. Her eyes still have that sparkle he most heartedly adores and her face is still displaying that rosy tint that matches the color of her lips.

She's alright. She's safe. She's alive.

"Are you okay?" Steve cradles her face, breaking off her disassociated gaze and bringing her lively eyes onto his. She softly smiles when seeing him and leans forward for an embrace. He holds her tightly against him, not wanting to lose sight of her as based on what happened, they were saved by whatever divine intervention is out there and they don't intend on wasting it.

"You're okay. You're alright," she mumbles, her gaze soft and filled with love.

"Are you guys ready?" Nancy asks the pair as she holds tighter onto her shotgun.

Steve nods and helps Gwen up. They exchange knowing glances with the rest of the group before he says, "Phase four."

"Flambé," Robin states as she pulls out the Molotov cocktail.

Gwen looks around for her knife set and carefully bends down to reach it. She holds onto it tighter and follows the rest into the attic with Steve following behind.

Upon entering the room, it's significantly colder and there's more dust flakes flying around. There's faint light entering from the poorly boarded up windows and all kinds of furniture are scattered around as if a tornado had gone by.

Steve walks carefully, making sure not to step over any lingering vines. His eyes wander around until he finally sees him. Vecna is hovering in the air with dozens of tentacles hanging on his back. His eyes are closed and his arms are wide open – an invitation to officially initiate phase four.

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