044. Sherlock Holmes

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(Ep. 5: The Nina Project)

A loud honking sound awakens Gwen from her sleep.

She sits up, gasping at the intensity of its blaring that makes her pounding headache feel like knives are pressing against her skull. Her eyes are groggy and filled with exhaustion and her entire body is aching from her previous sleeping position.

Slowly, she rubs her eyes to try and rid them of sleep. The honking seems to be getting nearer and that's when she realizes there's something off about this. The last she remembered, she had been trying not to fall asleep and was sitting on the steps of the Wheeler's basement, so how in the world did she end up here?

Gwen can feel the tightness of a seatbelt, its fabric clawing deep into her shoulder and chest that will definitely leave a mark behind. She starts noticing she's sitting in the backseat of a car and there's someone in the front seat driving erratically. At first thought, she believes it's Steve trying to get a moment alone, but it's not in his nature to do this - especially in the middle of the night with Vecna on the loose.

"What's happening?" she questions, her voice tremulous and shaky. Her hand reaches for the seatbelt and tries to loosen the tension around her body from it getting tighter and tighter with every breath she takes. "Can you tell me what's-"

"It's alright, Gwenie."

That voice.

She knows that voice.

The sudden feeling of dread takes over once she realizes this car is the one her dad drove, a 1974 Volkswagen Golf, and the voice belongs to her late father. Her eyes wander to every inch of this vehicle, to the worn down leather seats, to the carpeted ground that has a piece of gum stuck in it from Dustin having placed it, to the smell of cherry as intense as ever... and the all too familiar driver.

Gwen can feel the blood rush to her cheeks and her hands get clammy and shaky. She can feel herself start to hyperventilate the more her dad presses on the gas and accelerates like a maniac.

She remembers this drive, she remembers this night, and she definitely remembers how afraid she was at her dad's erratic speed, especially since it's pouring rain and the roads can hardly be seen. This had been the night of the crash, the night when she lost her dad and nearly got taken to the afterlife as well.

"Can you please slow down?!" Gwen panics, her nails digging deep into the seats as she tries focusing on not losing it at this moment. This must surely just be a dream, what else can it be? This can't be anything else other than one of her night terrors.

Her dad looks behind his shoulder at her, his brown eyes filled with worry and some gentleness to try not to scare her. "We'll get home on time. We'll get to dance in the rain like I promised, alright? Just hold on tight."

"No, I'm scared," she cries, her eyes welling up with tears as the rain starts getting stronger and the lightning can be heard close by. She can't experience this again, not when she knows what's coming and can do something to prevent it. "Just pull over. I don't care about dancing! Just please make a stop, dad!"

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