048. The Bite

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(Ep. 7: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab)

Lightning strikes with the force of a million volts as Steve fights for his life.

Clinging onto his throat like a famished leech, the tail of what appears to be a bat tightens itself with every breath he takes. He digs his hands onto the creature, attempting to pry it off all while trying to ignore the piercing agony of having lots of sharp teeth biting his abdomen and threatening to make him their next meal.

He's fought monsters before and one of them nearly threatened to rip his head off if it wasn't for the help of his friends. All these times he's faced any of these creatures, Steve has always had backup and never once felt like he had been abandoned. But as he's laying on the cold ground being completely ambushed by these monsters, his hope starts to vanish as he's certain that for the first time, he's alone in this.

What if the gate closed the second he was dragged in? What if somehow they're trying to find him, but there's absolutely no entrance? Steve knows better than letting his mind dwell on his most obscure thoughts, but feeling the bats' teeth dig into his side and feeling his breathing struggling the more the tail tightens around his throat, leaves him at a complete loss.

If there's one thing he's certain about is that right now, he's dying. There's no one here but him and as much as he wants to-


The familiar and beautiful voice awakens him from his dark thoughts, and the pain on his left side vanishes. He looks up and finds none other than the girl he loves standing over him with a paddle in her hands. Her hair is dripping wet and cascading down her shoulders in a messy, but perfect way. She's panting uncontrollably and her forehead is creasing in complete distress, and yet, he can't help but admire how beautiful she looks.

Gwen swings the paddle with all her strength against the bats and the only one that remains is the one clinging onto his throat. She presses her boot on the tail while smacking the wooden paddle with all her might against it. The creature remains adamant on keeping him trapped and it only fuels her determination to slam the oar with even more force and at a much quicker pace.

All around her, Nancy, Robin, and Eddie are swinging their paddles against other bats. The lightning strikes again and serves as a sign to bring more creatures in their direction. Gwen doesn't bother paying attention to her surroundings as her boot presses even harder into the tail and the oar starts smashing deep into the bat's skin, causing it to let out an agonized shriek that it starts to loosen his grip on Steve's throat.

Before the bat is able to be pried off, she hears Eddie calling out to her, "Gwen! Watch out!"

Not giving her a chance to act fast, the claws of the bat dig deep into her back. The harsh impact makes her topple over and the oar that was once in her hand falls to the ground in a grating collision. Gwen's hands reach for her back as she attempts to remove the creature off her. The agonizing pain starts spreading all around her back and feels like flames are burning her from the inside out. She tries shaking the bat off, but no matter how hard she tries, the creature is adamant on clinging on to her.

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