010. We're Getting the Band Back Together

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(Ep. 8: The Mind Flayer)

Walking along the abandoned railway tracks after that scene felt entirely awkward and tense. The older teens guided the way back home while Dustin, Max, and Lucas fell behind. The kids wanted to talk about what happened, but knowing they'll receive some long scolding was more than enough to keep them quiet.

So instead, Lucas broke the silence to ask, "You're positive that was Dart?"

Dustin rolled his eyes, tired from repeating himself, "Yes. He had the same exact yellow pattern on his butt."

All of them glanced at him, confused on how he knew such a specific detail.

"He was tiny two days ago," Max stated.

"Well, he's molted three times already," he explained, much more irritated.

Steve joined the conversation to question his words, "Malted?"

"It's molted," both siblings corrected.

"I'm pretty sure it's malted," Steve continued, kicking a few pebbles from the path as he slung his bat over his shoulder.

"Well, you're wrong," Gwen was just grateful he wasn't trying to talk about their almost kiss. She's not sure what she'd say because quite frankly, she never expected to be nearly kissing Steve Harrington.

Dustin started leading the way as he continued with his explanation, "Shed his skin to make room for growth like hornworms."

"So when's he gonna molt again?" Max questioned.

"It's gotta be soon. When he does, he'll be fully grown, or close to it. And so will his friends," Dustin nonchalantly said as if it wasn't an issue at all.

Gwen looked up at the sky to gaze at the stars that were more vibrant than ever. "And he's gonna be eating more than just cats," she sarcastically mumbled, not expecting anyone to have heard her.

"I was just going to say that," Steve responded and glanced over at her as he tried saying anything regarding their almost kiss, but his mind was suddenly left in a complete blank. She briefly looked at him and started walking away the second he met eyes with her, only worsening the situation since she appeared to be unaffected by what almost happened.

"Wait, a cat?" Lucas made an abrupt stop and turned to Dustin. His eyes were filled with confusion and slight astonishment as he tried comprehending what he just heard. "Dart ate a cat?"

Dustin took a step back, immediately shaking his head as he tried dismissing him, "No, what? No."

"What are you talking about? He ate Mews," Steve blatantly said while joining the circle in a calm demeanor.

"Mews? Who's Mews?" Max questioned, still trying to comprehend everything that's happened and the fact the monster turned out to be real.

"It was Dustin and Gwen's cat," he explained.

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