040. Libraries & Ticking Clocks

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(Ep. 3: The Monster and the Superhero)

To say Steve is concentrated in infiltrating Ms. Kelley's home would be a complete lie. He knows how crucial it is to figure out the connection the two victims shared, but all he finds himself thinking about is Gwen.

He knows she's more than capable of taking care of herself, and it's not like she's alone. Being with Nancy and Robin gives him some form of relief in knowing they have each other to protect themselves, but it still doesn't change the fact that he wishes to be the one to keep her safe.

"Okay, she's in," Steve informs the others once Max enters Ms. Kelley's home.

"I'm missing collarbones, not eyes," Dustin remarks, his tone drowning with sarcasm.

Daphne chuckles and leans forward in between their seats. She raises her hand for a high five, but lowers it when Steve piercingly glares at her. "Geesh, lighten up, Harrington."

Steve rolls his eyes and turns back to the house. Simply choosing to try and focus on this mission to prevent himself from continuing to think of Gwen. Her return has only made it as clear as day that he's definitely not over her like he claimed to be. With every date he went on, it wasn't the girls that were the problem. It was him and his constant desire to be with her. If only he could know how she feels for him, and maybe if luck is on his side, he could win her back.

"So," Dustin begins, fully ready to confront him on the earlier events. "Are we gonna talk about... it?"

"Huh? Sorry, talk about what?" he questions as he pulls his attention away from the house towards the boy.

Dustin raises his brows in disbelief that his friend is pretending to not know, or is probably just playing dumb to avoid the obvious. "Your temporary insanity earlier today when you practically threw yourself at Gwen?"

Steve scoffs, suddenly feeling an increase in tension and becoming annoyed at Dustin for confronting him at a time like this. "Okay, that's not what happened-"

"Dude, that's literally what happened," Daphne intervenes, now laying flatly on the backseat.

"It was pretty public," Dustin adds. "There were a lot of witnesses."

Steve is silent for what appears to be the longest seconds. He doesn't know what to say because quite frankly, how can he try to deny his very clear concern for the girl he still loves? But even if he's certain of his feelings, he can't just admit them to her brother when he's not sure how she feels for him.

"Are you implying that I still have feelings for Gwen?" he simply says, already regretting his choice of words.

"No, I'm not implying," Dustin shakes his head disapprovingly at him denying the obvious, "I'm very much stating it."

"You can practically see it miles away," Daphne continues. "Hell, even I know and I haven't spent time with you guys."

"And you're still wearing the ring," Dustin points to Steve's neck, catching his friend by surprise and causing him to adjust the collar of his jacket to try and cover it up. "What? Did you think I didn't notice?"

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