038. Eddie, The Banished

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(Ep. 2: Vecna's Curse)

Nightfall had approached by the time they arrived at Reefer Rick's home.

Gwen isn't sure what the exact time is considering her eyes are struggling to remain awake. She stretches her legs as she jumps out of the car and follows her brother to the front door.

Right away, Dustin starts pressing the doorbell. Not a single sound can be heard. Not even a faint breeze or the sound of footsteps trying to quiet themselves. The silence only made Dustin more impatient, causing him to continue pressing the doorbell continuously to the point it became ridiculous.

"All right, that's enough," Gwen rolls her eyes and places her hands into her jacket as she taps her foot vigorously.

"It's settled then. I guess he's not here," Steve lazily says as he struggles to keep his eyes open. It sure doesn't help having stayed up all night talking to Robin over the phone about his encounter with Gwen and the way he deeply wishes to tell her he still loves her.

"Eddie! It's Dustin!" he starts pounding the door and ignores the complaints from Steve while Robin, Max, and Gwen direct their flashlights to the windows to check if there's anyone inside.

Gwen blinks a few times to try and adjust her eyes to the darkness. From what she's able to see, the house is fairly messy and there appears to not have been anyone inside for a while. If she didn't know any better, she would have guessed this house had been abandoned.


Steve groans and leans his head back in frustration, "Don't scream that. If he's actually inside, now he'll never want to open the door."

Taking a step back from the window, Gwen figures there must be some clues around here that could lead them to Eddie. She walks down the porch and illuminates the path towards the very back. Max follows along when catching on to what she's doing and narrows her eyes for an even clearer look when they suddenly notice a boathouse.

Both of them glance at each other and exchange understanding looks before Max yells out, "Hey, guys?"

The rest of the group sprints to them and feel the smallest bit of hope that Eddie's hiding in there. It makes sense considering that since Reefer Rick isn't home, the easiest place to break into is the boathouse.

Before anyone can take the first step, Gwen is already walking towards in its direction. She can practically hear Steve and her brother scolding her for getting ahead without knowing if it's safe, but if Dustin is right about Eddie, then she's certain he won't harm her if he's inside.

She knocks gently against the door and moves slowly to the window to look inside while pointing the flashlight in.

"Are you insane?!" Steve reprimands her, causing her to jump at the loudness of his voice. "You have to wait until I make sure it's safe."

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