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(Ep. 5: The Nina Project)

When Gwen was nine years old, she started thinking about death.

Having flatlined for a few minutes while her dad was declared dead on the scene certainly brings someone to ponder on every single life choice they've made, even if they're young. She managed to escape death's grasp and wave it goodbye for the meantime, settling that someday they would meet again, but in a very long time. Well, at least that's what she thought.

Max's encounter with Vecna left her thinking a lot about the grim reaper. The young girl escaped him and survived, she fought through and continued on to live and not just survive. Sounds like a miracle if she's being honest.

Gwen's not sure if anyone would even care to know her favorite song. Hell, if anyone even remembers it. Regardless if they somehow manage to remember, she's not sure if she'd be willing to allow the music's chords to save her. Maybe she would just let Vecna take her. Maybe everyone would be happy without her.

Three people died because of her and surviving this feels selfish. Barb gave up her life to save her when it should have been the other way around. Even if getting into the Upside Down had been accidental, Gwen should have focused on keeping her friend alive instead of trying to be all tough and mighty. Barb wanted to stay at Steve's house until it was safe, and Gwen denied her suggestion because of her damn ego. And now, look at where Barb is.


Billy becoming possessed by the Mind Flayer had been her fault as well. She shouldn't have stopped driving and instead kept going all the way to her house. Maybe then, he would've followed her and wouldn't have been driving past Cornwallis where the Mind Flayer had been fermenting in. But instead, she chose to stop and lead him on because she thought it would be funny to watch him drive away as she ditches him. And now, look at where he is.


Since Billy had been her fault, that means Hopper's death was also hers. The Mind Flayer had returned again and if it wasn't for all the Flayed becoming one, the Gate shouldn't have been closed. Well, the Russians had a major role in it, but it doesn't change how the Battle of Starcourt wouldn't have happened if Billy hadn't become the host. As always, Hopper just had to be the hero and be the one to close it, and now look at where he is.

Dead. All of them are dead and it's all her fault.

Fighting to survive when lots of lives have been lost feels selfish and quite frankly, Gwen feels undeserving of it. Even if Vecna might continue living on, at least she won't be messing anything else up and sending a large butterfly effect to ripple everyone's lives. She'd be gone. She'd finally be with her dad and everyone would be better off.

What better way to go than keeping this curse silent? No one needs to know about her nightmares, of having seen a grandfather clock at the library, of how much her headaches are getting worse, and especially, they can't know her favorite song as it's the one thing that would save her.

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