036. Spring Break of '86

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(Ep. 1: The Hellfire Club)

Coming back to Hawkins feels like a disaster ready to happen.

Gwen hasn't visited since Christmas and even then, the visit left her with nothing but regrets. What was supposed to be a heartfelt celebration over the best holiday turned out to have been the worst day of her life.

And it was entirely her fault.

She spent the last week of classes tossing and turning on whether or not going back home is the better choice, or if she should simply give in to Jonathan's pleas in joining him in California.

It would be nice to spend her spring break on the sunny beaches with her best friend, but Hawkins keeps calling out to her simply because of him, and that's the worst part.

If it comes down to it, maybe she'd stay here in New York to avoid making any decisions since she's not the best at making them. Of course, she'll have to deal with spending it alone since her roommate already headed back home.

The sudden sound of the phone ringing interrupts her thoughts. Knowing who it is, Gwen jumps out of bed and dashes to the phone. She's not even able to say the first word since Jonathan's already screaming into her ear, "Tell me you're coming to California and not Hawkins!"

Gwen leans her head back, not knowing how to explain that she's not sure if she's even leaving campus. Ever since spring break started getting nearer, Jonathan keeps insisting that she should visit him. It's not like she has a grand variety of choices considering there's nothing for her back home.

"Okay, first of all, at least ask how I'm doing, and second of all, isn't Nancy going to visit?"

Jonathan turns silent and she can practically feel his frustration through the phone, "It's umm... complicated."

"Complicated how? You two haven't seen each other in months, so her visit should be a good thing," she wraps her finger around the cord, twirling it while opening the blinds to let some light in.

Trying to switch the topic of conversation, Jonathan takes a deep breath before saying, "Can you please just come here? It's not like you have anyone over there to visit anyway."

Gwen sighs, slowly pressing her back against the wall before sliding down. It's not that she doesn't have anyone to visit because she would love to see her friends and family again. And she really needs to check up on Max considering the young girl stopped answering her calls.

"That's where you're wrong, or are you forgetting I still have friends and family over there?" she points out.

"So I take it you've already made your decision then," Jonathan's been missing her too much lately. He calls her every night and even stays up on the phone with her until she falls asleep. The nightmares she's been having made her afraid of the night and only when hearing his voice, she's able to fall into a deep slumber and dream soundlessly.

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