039. Conspiracy Theories

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(Ep. 3: The Monster and the Superhero)

After hearing Eddie's recollection of what happened to Chrissy, the group thought it'd be best to stay together, so they settled on sleeping in Steve's car. It was packed to say the least, but they were comforted in knowing they were safe with each other.

Gwen had spent all night tossing and turning. Every time she closed her eyes, her nightmares were threatening to take over. Her mind has become her greatest enemy and it's frustrating that not even in her sleep is she able to escape the harsh reality that her life's become.

It's not like she can tell anyone about this because nightmares are something everyone has, especially them after all they went through. Even if they feel too real and like she's experiencing everything again, Gwen chooses to keep quiet and settles on focusing on protecting Eddie.

As they walk out of Steve's car with groceries in hand, Dustin bursts through the lake house like he owns the place.

Eddie jumps back, startled at their abrupt entry, "Jesus, man! Don't do that shit!"

Dustin smiles and holds up his bag of groceries, "Delivery service!"

Gwen sends a small wave and tries her best to smile reassuringly while holding a six pack of beer that causes Eddie to take a breath of relief. It wasn't easy getting the beer, but since Steve knows the owner of the store well enough, they were allowed to get as much as they needed.

"You're a lifesaver," Eddie thanks her, quickly grabbing the six pack and opening the lid with his teeth.

Dustin scoffs, suddenly offended at his sister being given the credit when he was the one that suggested getting more groceries for him. "Umm, what about me?" he exclaims, evident annoyance in his tone.

Eddie's too engulfed in his drink and stuffing himself with cereal to even say anything. There wasn't much food in Reefer Rick's home except for candy and a few bottles of water, so drinking beer and downing an entire box of cereal feels like a feast.

Everyone takes a seat around him, the view of Lover's Lake offering some gentle serenity despite the circumstances. They need all the calm before the storm considering they have to reveal news to their friend that will change everything.

"So uh, we have some good news and some bad news," Dustin begins, looking over at the others as if expecting them to take the lead. "How do you prefer it?"

"Bad news first," Eddie says with his mouth full, "Always."

Dustin takes a deep breath and says, "We tapped into the Hawkins PD dispatch with our Cerebro, and they're definitely looking for you."

His expression fades into pure unease. Of course he was expecting a manhunt, but held on to the smallest bit of hope that somehow, there would be evidence that proves his innocence. Only after having learned of the existence of the supernatural, seems there's not going to be a way to save his reputation.

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