026. Behind Closed Doors

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(Ep. 6: E Pluribus Unum)

Gwen doesn't know how long she's been unconscious and separated from Steve and Robin. It could've been minutes, hours, and in the worst case scenario, days. She looks around the room, checking to see if there's a way out, but there's nothing but enclosed walls and dirty floors along with the blinding lights staring right at her.

Regardless of how much time has passed, she can't help but worry. She starts wondering if Dustin, Erica, and Daphne made it out and have reached Hopper, and if Robin and Steve are alive. Just thinking they're gone makes her cry for them as she yells at whoever is keeping guard to let them go since they're not going to tell anyone.

But all she's received with is their laughter along with slaps and more kicks, leaving her to drown herself in her self-pity and helpless thoughts. Just wondering how in the world they're going to get out of this alive, if they're even lucky enough to escape.

Gwen feels like her chest is about to explode. Her entire body is bruised from all the heavy hits and she can feel her cheek bleeding as the blood runs down her neck. Her eyes start focusing on the floor, stained with red and brown patches that indicates she's not the first to step foot in here. Only worsening her worries since whoever was here is probably dead, and she will be too if she doesn't find some way to escape.

"What more do you want?!" she yells through her cut lip, "I told you we don't work for anyone and we won't say anything so please let us go!"

The door swings wide open, allowing for the colonel to barge in with an infuriated look as he raises his hand and smacks her. Her hair falls down her face as she tries to contain herself from saying the wrong thing since it's no use to insult them when her life is in his hands.

He says something in Russian and turns to his partner while laughing at some probable mock. He leans down and rests his hands against his legs as he stares at her with a terrifying look that brings shivers down her spine. She knows that look. It's the same look seniors used to give her when she was a freshman and had started to "get hot."

"Who do you work for?" he smirks at her, staring down at her chest as his mouth forms a wicked smile.

Looking away, she tries to ignore that horrifying glare of his and focus on trying to somehow convince him that they're innocent. "I don't know how many more times I have to tell you that we work for a freaking ice cream shop! We're not spies! We're just teens trying to earn some money for the summer!"

The second guard steps up and hits her again, "Tell the truth!"

She feels something snap inside her. Maybe it's receiving yet another hit, or the fact that it's no use trying to convince them because they're complete fools to believe someone like them can ever work for the government. She glares up at them, tilting her head before raising her knee to hit the guard in his jaw.

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