027. A Drunken Escape

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(Ep. 7: The Bite)


Being crammed into the smallest cart to exist was the last thing Gwen envisioned doing. There were lots of things she would've preferred, but seeing as running was of no use from how much her and her drunken partners were stumbling, hijacking this silly cart seemed the lesser of two evils.

She held a tight grip on the smooth wall, not realizing it was of no use since there's nothing to hold on to. Her legs kept wobbling back and forth and her foot somehow always ended up stepping over Steve and Robin's.

"Haven't I taught you to drive in a straight line?!" she exclaims to her brother when a sudden giggle escapes her lips. She doesn't know what's so funny, but every time she glances to the front, seeing her little curly brother behind the wheel leaves her feeling quite comical.

"YOU HAVEN'T TAUGHT ME ANYTHING!!!" Dustin screams over the loud alarm blasting through the endless passageway. He makes a sharp turn, sending his backseat passengers to bump against the metal walls.

"Shit, does that mean I have to teach him?" Steve groans, running his hands through his hair as he falls back against Robin. She frowns, rolling her eyes as she pushes him into Gwen. He smiles once his girl catches him in her arms because damn it, she's beautiful. He could stare at her for an eternity if he could and spend every waking minute by her side if she allows him to. "Guess I literally fell for you."

Gwen can feel her cheeks burning. She could only hope the speedy and bumpy ride is able to hide it. She raises her hands to cup his face, but forgets her arms are holding him upright, sending him to the ground with a loud slam.

Robin lets out a loud laugh and points her finger at him, "Now you actually fell for her!"

Quickly, Gwen slaps her hand against her mouth in a loud whack. Her eyes are wider than ever at having dropped her boyfriend that all she's able to think of is purposefully sinking down beside him.

"Me too! Me too!" Robin eagerly jumps down on top of them, crashing onto the couple's chests as they erupt into a fit of laughter.

Daphne, who's sitting in the passenger seat, peers behind her shoulder at them. Confusion laces her expression as she questions what in the world those Russians did to her friends. "What's wrong with them?"

"I don't know!" Dustin screams in a fit of panic, making another sharp turn that sends his friends flying back against the grate.

"What's wrong with you?!" Steve snaps, waving his arms up for the two girls to help him up. He feels a rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins. It's such an indescribable feeling that leaves him wanting for more of that blue juice those Russians gave them. Sure his mind is running a thousand miles a minute, but his dad did say he should use his head more.

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