020. Enzo's & Double Dates

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(Ep. 1: Suzie, Do You Copy?)

Between everything that happened these past two years with fighting alternate dimensional creatures, dealing with a whole lot of drama from two asshole classmates, and falling in love with Steve Harrington, becoming the official babysitter for the party was not something she signed up for.

Just as soon as work had ended, Scoops Ahoy's phone started ringing profusely. You would think when receiving no answer, the caller would choose to give up, but that's not the case since this caller happened to be Hopper calling one of the few people he trusted to babysit his daughter and annoying boyfriend.

Which brings Gwen here. Just searching in his pantry for anything decent to make for the kids. Not that they were hungry for anything except themselves.

She searched in every cabinet, finding nothing but some expired goods and lots of syrup for El's infamous Eggos. Gwen never understood why the young girl adored them so much when it's just plain waffles, but knowing it's probably one of the first things she had after escaping the lab, she figured that's why she grew attached to them.

Ready to give up, she was relieved to find two cans of Campbell's chicken soup. It's not much, but seeing as Hopper doesn't have much except for Eggos, this will have to do.

Just as she finished making it and setting the table down, she peered over at El's room that happened to be closed - something Hopper warned her about.

"Hey, idiots! Come eat!"

As expected, the teens didn't listen and remained in their room. Gwen frowned as she started heading over to the door, knocking once more without any luck. She gave them a few minutes since she has a habit of doing the same whenever her mom calls her over, so she figured she'd be patient and give them the benefit of the doubt.

But it was now reaching the 10 minute mark.

Shaking her head, she dropped everything and tried opening the door, but was shocked to find it had been locked.

"I get you're in love and want to swap spit all the time, but there's no need to lock the door so open it right now," she heard nothing but muffled laughs that were getting incredibly annoying. She once again tried to enter, but they still refused to follow her orders, "Okay. You asked for it."

She took a step back and slammed her foot against the door, swinging it open as they stared at her in complete astonishment.

"Are you crazy?! Why the hell did you do that?!" Mike exclaimed as he left the room to yell at her even closer.

She did nothing but stare at him with a blank expression and arms folded. After all these years of knowing each other, this kid still doesn't know any better.

Calmly, she took a few steps forward, making him shut up and walk back and hold El's hand tightly.

"As surprising as it is that you..." she pointed at Mike, "... managed to get a girl to like you-"

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