011. Spy in Disguise

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(Ep. 8: The Mind Flayer)

Minutes later, everyone was now working on turning the shed into an unrecognizable place for Will and the Mind Flayer.

The kids stayed inside searching for anything useful while the older teens helped staple pieces of tarp all over the shed's windows. It seemed that this task had returned everything to normal from bringing Gwen and Jonathan working together again and Nancy working with Steve.

Jonathan kept glancing over at Nancy and then at his friend, trying to gather the courage to ask what happened between her and Harrington while they were gone.

"Since when are you and Steve getting along?" he finally asked.

Gwen chuckled, "We're not. We were just babysitting together all because Dustin dragged him into this."

He raised a brow at her, "Come on. I can see the looks you guys exchanged. Right from the lab up until now."

"So? We've exchanged looks before. It's no different," she tried dismissing him, hoping he wouldn't question her more as she'd be tempted to tell him about their almost kiss.

Jonathan handed her the stapler and looked over at the pair once more, "Yeah but... this is different. He defended you when Dustin went off on you."

She reached up to staple the tarp onto the wood, now avoiding making eye contact, "It was hardly anything. We just... worked together. Is that a crime?"

He nodded, "It is when it's you and Steve. Come on, Gwen. You've hated him since freshman year and always find ways to insult him. And now you've hardly said anything to him and you keep making googly eyes."

"I am not making googly eyes!" she exclaimed, playfully shoving him when they began laughing, catching the attention of the other pair.

The first day on their mission, Jonathan had confided in Nancy about his love for Gwen and how she basically friendzoned him on Halloween. This came as no surprise to her since she spent a lot of time with them last year and she always caught him staring at her with lovestruck eyes.

It sure didn't help that she started falling for him and that he was one of the reasons behind her breakup with Steve. And now that her suspicions had been confirmed, her heart ached in concern that she'd be friendzoned by Jonathan. Of course, their first kiss and first night together at Murray's gave her hope that maybe, his feelings had now shifted to her instead. But now that she's seeing them together, she fears that his feelings haven't vanished and she was just his comfort.

"You okay?" Steve asked.

She abruptly looked away from the best friends and nodded, "Yeah. You know, if you ignore the situation we're in."

"You got that right," he stapled another piece of tarp while looking over at Gwen - who was smiling at whatever it is Jonathan was saying. He's always seen them together, but seeing them now ignites a blazing fire that he fears won't be able to get extinguished.

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