031. It's A Promise

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(Ep. 8: The Battle of Starcourt)

Hawkins turned out to be more interesting than Robin and Daphne thought.

After Mike explained to them how this whole Upside Down debacle started when Will went missing, when they met El - a girl who escaped from Hawkins Lab and had accidentally opened the gate - all of them were left utterly shocked and terrified the home they once believed to be safe was nothing but a tragedy.

Barbara Holland and Bob Newby didn't die a mysterious death. It was all a consequence due to the lab's experiments and not only did this mess happen twice, but it's happening for a third time now. Seems the Russians opened a gate and it's been the main cause for this monster in the first place, so now they have to find a solution.

Daphne feels relieved to have moved away as she's certain she would have lost her mind. She's still in disbelief on how her friends are taking this with a grain of salt because if anything, they should all be in therapy after everything they've been through.

It's all too much to take in just a few minutes. Robin is just simply nodding and biting her nails as she doesn't know what else to do because she's the least prepared to join any battle that is now involving the asshole of Hawkins High, Billy Hargrove.

"The Mind Flayer, it built this monster in Hawkins to stop El," Mike explains as all of them are gathered in a circle. "He wants to kill her and pave a way into our world."

"And it almost did," Nancy adds on. "This was just one piece of it."

"How big is this thing?" Hopper questions, his arm is around his daughter as she rests against his chest. Her leg is propped up on Joyce's as she tries blinking the exhaustion from her eyes.

"It's big," Jonathan mumbles, glancing over at Nancy as the image of that thing back in the hospital and Hopper's cabin fills his mind. "Thirty feet, at least."

Gwen leans back against Steve. His arms are wrapped around her as he rests his head on her shoulder. She can feel her heart racing and she's pretty certain he can feel it too from the way he keeps mumbling, It's gonna be okay, repeatedly. But is it, really? They've dealt with this before and it always finds a way back, so what's to say it won't return in a few months?

"It sorta destroyed your cabin," Lucas informs the chief, earning a frustrated glare from him. "Sorry."

Steve narrows his eyes, trying to comprehend everything that's been told. "Okay, so, just to be clear, this... big, fleshy spider thing that hurt El." He takes a brief pause to catch his breath and glances over at Dustin from expecting him to correct him on the name of the creature, "It's some kind of gigantic... weapon?"

"Yes," Nancy immediately says.

"But instead of screws and metal, the Mind Flayer made its weapon... with melted people," Nancy nods agreeingly, too calmly considering the situation. "Yeah, okay. I was just making sure."

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