001. Mad Max

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(Ep. 1: Mad Max)

Having a normal life was something unattainable for Gwen Henderson. Pretending she and her friends didn't fight off a flesh eating monster along with learning of an alternate dimension seemed near impossible to do. Especially with the anniversary coming up, so normalcy had to be left behind for good.

Everyone moved on in a matter of seconds and pretended as if nothing happened because to everyone, Will Byers was just a kid who went missing and was lucky enough to return. No one had a clue on what really went on, which made it incredibly frustrating to be the only one of the few who truly knew what happened.

So for now, all she does is pretend the anniversary isn't bringing all the terrible memories back. If her little brother could do it, why couldn't she?

With her arms folded across her chest and back against the wall, Gwen observed the students jumping up and down in excitement as the basketball team made their way to the center of the court. The next big game was coming up so an encouraging pep rally was made in their honor.

However, not every member of the team was present. Gwen was able to notice that Steve Harrington was nowhere to be seen. Meaning he's probably somewhere off with his girlfriend instead of facing his responsibilities. Well, what more could be expected from him?

The team captain arrived last as he looked over at the swarm of people and embraced their chants. "Good morning, Hawkins!" he yelled through the microphone and began his speech that's reused every year.

Waiting for the speech to end, she was regretting not having skipped with Jonathan to hang out in the photo lab. She tried fading out the cheering from the students when she was met by the piercing eyes of her rival, Natalia Cortez, or as everyone called her, the queen bee.

Gwen wasn't liked by the popular crowd for her friendship choices, but everyone steered clear of her due to her middle school reputation that she hasn't been able to live down. She would be the one to take the punches for her best friend and fight off every single person that dared insult those she loves. Not having lost a fight once, it was safe to say no one dared confront her. No one wants to risk getting a broken nose or a black eye.

But this particular cheerleader seemed to not care for her reputation. Natalia would do anything in her power to try and ruin her day. Starting with breaking Jonathan's camera twice and insulting her family to provoke her just so she'd meet the infamous Gwen Henderson everyone is so afraid of. Unaware Gwen gave up fighting to maintain a perfect school record to get into her top college and get out of this forsaken town.

Natalia kept making eye contact with the Henderson girl. She was observing the way she leaned against the wall, the way she would roll her eyes, and the way she would fix her hair. She hated Gwen and wasn't afraid to show it, but a small part of her was afraid one of these days she'd meet the old Gwen and regret ever having crossed her. She didn't want to risk her perfect face just for the sake of entertainment so she settled with the typical mean girl tactic of sending her dirty looks. Expecting the least of a reaction, she was only received by Gwen flipping her off as she walked out the gym.

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