052. Dream A Little Dream Of Me

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(Ep. 9: The Piggyback)

Seems they weren't going the wrong way after all.

Once they reached the Creel House and noticed the dim light coming from the little rocket, they signaled Erica to alert Max and Lucas to initiate the next phase.

"Okay, the lovebirds have copied. Max is moving into phase two: distracting Vecna," Erica's faint voice informs them.

"So far, so smooth," Robin says.

"Yeah, we're not even at the hard part yet."

Staring at the Creel House, Gwen takes a few steps forward, watching all the bats circling around like a swarm of guards. She's not fond of Max being the bait, but knowing Lucas and Daphne are there to get her back makes her feel a little better. Max is in good hands and as long as she has her trusty headphones, everything will be okay.

After a few minutes, Erica lets them know they could go on to the next phase, "Okay, she's in. Initiate phase three."

Robin reaches for her walkie-talkie and lets Dustin and the others know, "She's in. Move on to phase three."

Now it's getting real.

Maybe it's knowing a swarm of bats are heading in her brother's direction or having to enter that dreadful house, but a terrible sensation starts coursing through her veins. Goosebumps are trailing down her skin and all the blood has rushed to her face. An instant pressure hits her chest and the pounding in her ears worsens by the second.

She knows better than to let her pessimism control her. It's the one thing that ruins everything and she'd be damned if she lets her emotions get in the way of this mission. She needs to be brave, she needs to be strong, and fearless because at any moment, the next phase will begin and they'll be standing face to face with Vecna.

It's just terrible that Max has to be the one to do this. Knowing the scars those visions leave behind, Gwen's afraid Vecna will torture her with much worse memories or even transform her happiest ones against her.

"You okay?" Steve walks up to her when noticing her worry.

She doesn't see a point in lying since he's able to read her well, "I'm scared and I'm worried about Max. I'm afraid something terrible is going to happen and I- I don't know what I'd do if anything-"

"Hey," he holds her hands and gives them a gentle squeeze. "She's going to be alright. She's the toughest kid there is and she's survived Vecna before, so she'll be able to do the same again."

Gwen knows he's probably right. Maybe all this pessimism and overthinking are just her nerves trying to get the better of her. She takes a deep breath and decides to have hope, trusting that everything will be okay by the end of this and they'll be safe and sound in a few hours.

"Yeah, you're right," she agrees, nodding at him with a soft smile. "She's got this. She's strong, so she'll be alright."

Steve smiles at her, "Exactly. No need to worry."

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