012. El, The Mage

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(Ep. 9: The Gate)

No amount of words would be sufficient enough to describe this very moment. There was nothing that could be said or done to express the ecstasy that filled the air despite the circumstances.

Gwen stood in front of the young girl who no longer had the same buzz cut and had placed her dark curls back with an intense amount of gel. She wore all black and had dark liner around her alert eyes. El, their mage was here and she was alive.

Almost raising her into the air under their embrace, she held her in a tight grip, afraid that if she let go, she'd vanish into thin air. "I missed you so much!" she exclaimed while trying her hardest not to burst into tears.

"I missed you too," El told her back, holding on as well from fearing this was all a dream and she'd wake up at any second.

During those 353 days of checking in on Mike and her friends, she had kept a close eye on Gwen as well. Reminiscing on their short time where she was treated like a sister and felt the safest around her.

"I promise to always make you eggos. Anything you need, I'll be right here. Always."

El smiled, nodding her head before saying, "Always."

"Can we have a turn now?" Dustin complained while walking forward with Lucas by his side.

"Fine," his sister said before hugging her one last time.

Steve had been standing by the corner just watching everyone's reactions to the young girl's return, which only made him wish he had met her last year. From hearing Dustin talk about her, El sounded like an amazing person and definitely someone you don't want to mess with.

He glanced over at Gwen, noticing the sudden happiness this return brought her. It seemed that for a moment, all the troubles were forgotten and she was at peace for once. He wondered if he'd ruin it by speaking to her. She did say her feelings hadn't changed for him so he stood for what seemed a very long time until deciding to just head on over and risk it.

He hovered for a minute before saying anything, "So that's the famous Eleven."

Her smile faded as she remembered their moment that had been interrupted, "Yeah, that's her."

"Wish I could've met her last year," he began, "Would've been pretty darn awesome seeing her powers firsthand."

"It's better that you didn't," he stared in confusion, "You were just going to be a complete asshole to her and now... well, I guess you did improve," she told him. "Just don't give her any advice."

Steve laughed, "I won't make any promises."

Before she was able to respond, they were interrupted by the voices of Joyce, Hopper, and Eleven as they had started discussing the possibility of closing the gate.

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