023. Elevator Trap

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(Ep. 4: The Sauna Test)

"That keycard opens the door, but unfortunately, the Russian with this keycard also has a massive gun," Dustin paces back and forth as the older teens just grovel with the new revelations. So much for an ordinary summer.

"There's gotta be another way in," Robin's mind starts running as she's a hundred percent certain no place only has one entrance. There has to be another, maybe for emergencies or something.

Gwen leaned her head against her hand, frowning at the sudden need for them to discover what's inside those boxes. Why can't they just let it go for once? Not everything strange that happens in Hawkins needs to be inspected.

"Well, you know," Steve leans forward and rests his elbows on the table. He looks at each of them before suggesting, "I could just take him out."

Here he goes again.

Without even meaning to, Gwen can't help but laugh at how ridiculous his idea is. Sure, he may have fought monsters from another dimension, but when it comes to fighting people, he tends to have a bad streak from always losing.

Steve narrows his eyes, raising a curious brow at her as he asks, "What's so funny?"

She shrugs and leans back against her chair, "Oh, I don't know. Just the thought of you fighting an armed guard!"

Gwen admires his bravery and loves that when it comes to protecting those he loves, he's willing to put himself at risk to keep them safe, but the thought of seeing him get hurt again brings an undeniable sense of fear.

"What? I sneak up behind him, I knock him out, and I take his keycard. It's easy," he nonchalantly explains as if it's the easiest thing in the world.

"Did you not hear the part about the massive gun?" Dustin points out, eyebrows raised and arms folded.

Steve rolls eyes, "Yes, Dustin, I did." He glares at his younger friend and tiptoes his fingers across the table, "And that's why I would be sneaking."

Remembering the fight from last fall and the one a year prior, Dustin takes a step forward and asks, "Well, please, tell me this, and be honest," Steve already knows where he's going with this, "Have you ever actually... won a fight?"

Steve frowns, "Okay, that was one time-"

"Twice," Dustin holds up two fingers to prove a point. Robin and Daphne edge closer in full curiosity now, "Jonathan. Year prior."

"You fought Jonathan?" Daphne is stunned that her friend ended up beating the so-called king of Hawkins High. Especially since she knows him as the least confrontational person. "I would've expected it from Gwen, but Jonathan?"

Slightly offended, she looks up from her spot at the table as her mouth hangs slightly open, "Why me?"

The Sinclair girl tilts her head and glares intensely as if it isn't obvious, "You hated Harrington with an extreme passion. And let's not forget all the fights you started."

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