051. Leap of Faith

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(Ep. 9: The Piggyback)

"Okay, I wanna run through it one more time."

Currently, the group is inside the trailer that Steve had parked deep in the woods to prevent anyone from finding it.

"Phase one," Nancy turns around, standing in front of the RV while the others are in the back.

"We meet Erica at the playground," Gwen explains. "When we're ready, she'll signal Max and Lucas."

"Phase two."

"Max baits Vecna," Steve reluctantly says, not at all thrilled about her being used as a distraction and putting herself in danger. "He'll go after her, which will put him in his trance."

"Phase three?"

"Me, Eddie, and Natalia draw the bats away," Dustin points at the pair behind him, causing Eddie to place his hand on his head and shake it playfully.


"We head into Vecna's newly bat-free lair, and..." Robin raises the Molotov cocktail she and Steve had prepared, "... flambé."

"Nobody moves on to the next phase until we've all copied," Nancy orders. "Nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what. Got it?"

"Got it," the six answer in unison.

With that, everyone gathers their weapons and heads out the RV. They start making their way back to Eddie's trailer with Steve leading the way, Gwen, Nancy, and Robin following behind, while the rest stay at the very back. All of them were silent, not knowing what to say that will make this any better as they know there's two ways this can end.

A. Each phase goes accordingly and Vecna ends up getting defeated.

B. Something goes wrong, resulting in any of them getting hurt and not being able to kill Vecna.

It's safe to say which option they prefer, but of course, only time will tell.

Once arriving at the trailer, Steve turns on the light and removes his bag off his shoulder as he stares at the rope. He takes a deep breath, preparing himself for the maneuver he'll have to make.

"Be careful," Dustin tells him.

"Thanks, buddy," Steve pats him gently on the shoulder and looks over at Gwen, who sends him a reassuring smile that makes him feel much better. He steps forward and wraps his hands around the sheets to begin climbing, "Here goes nothing."

Within a quick second, Steve lands in a swift way on the other side. He had performed an impressive spin halfway in the air, leaving him standing all proudly at his success as he gazes up at them with a boastful smirk.

Gwen gnaws at the inside of her cheek, not wanting to smile at the very attractive sight - especially when seeing she's the only one that had been impressed by his movements.

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