Chapter 1

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"You got thirteen days to get married otherwise, you'll be dethrone from your beloved position." says Mr. Yun before leaving Min's mansion.

Mr. Yun is the lawyer of the Min's family. He always has been. Yun's bloodline is the only family of laywers Min's trusts the mosts as they abide to the given orders. Just like now, Mr. Yun who has been working for this generation for three decades, who first worked for Yoongi's father, who died three years ago is abiding to the given order. An order that happens to be a tradition too, a king must have his queen.

The order does not state that the queen has to be a female, as long as the queen is an equal of the king that can continue the family's bloodline and protect the king and the organization, will be welcomed and respected.

In today's present date the Alpha, Beta and Omega hierarchy still exists. Shocking, really, but it is what it is.

"Organization's tradition is so messed up! Why do you have to have a queen when as a king you're capable of running this whole thing alone, aside from the fact that you just need an heir to continue whatever?" says Namjoon, an alpha and Yoongi's right hand.

"Yeah, you could just fuck whoever and get them pregnant and months later, tadaa! A pup, an heir! Men from this organization can just train the pup. Isn't that exactly what we went through?" added Jungkook while sitting next to Namjoon, pouring himself a glass of brandy and drinks it. He is Yoongi's bestfriend, Namjoon's brother and an alpha too.

Yoongi, the big boss of the organization; the boss of the bosses, was about to say something when he noticed the woman standing behind Jungkook and Namjoon.

"So much for being a playboy! If I was your mother, I'll be ashamed of giving birth to you!" Doona scolds before slapping Jungkook on the head to knock senses out of him.

"Aww, Imo! You're there! How long have you been there? I didn't noticed you. I-I was just joking actually!" says Jungkook, trying to clean his reputation.

Namjoon gulps, wishing Doona didn't hear what he had said a while ago as Yoongi continues to tap the keys on his laptop, but is very much aware of what's happening infront of him.

"How many times do I have to remind you not all Beta and Omega are privelege like you Alphas? We were trained to be housewives for fucks sake, so you Alphas could take all the glory! If I, or we were just given a chance I bet you Alphas will just be our equal."

Doona's statement made the atmosphere tense and quiet.

No one dares to speak after what she had said because it is true. It is rare to see a Beta, much more an Omega to be treated and given an equal chance like of an Alpha. They are treated to be an offspring machine especially an Omega.

"Now, I'm not going to interfere to whatever your decision will be Yoongi but as your mother, I don't want you to repeat the same mistake your father and your grandparents did to me. I want you to treat your queen the way I wasn't treated. Your greed hasn't made you blind or neither forget, right?" says Doona before walking out of the room.

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