Chapter 35

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"It's been a month now since we found out you're pregnant and yet you haven't given us any details of that alpha who knotted you that night," Jimin mumbles as he eats some of the fruits Taehyung shares with him that was brought to him bu Jingkook earlier this morning before the alpha leaves for work, "How could we make that bastard pay of what he did to you?"

Taehyung sighed, thinking heavily like he usually does everyday to himself whether it is the right time or the right thing to tell Jimin the truth. He is afraid for Jimin to find it absurd or that the other might think he is lying or maybe it was just him not knowing how to face Jungkook once he finds out that he is, indeed the pup's father inside his womb? Will he take responsibility? Though, he notices how protective the alpha is to him whenever the man is around and it makes him fuzzy and warm inside.

"Chim, stop calling him a bastard." he pouts, sucking on the juices the strawberry produces in his mouth.

"But, Tae! I don't want you to shoulder all the responsibility to yourself! I mean, yes, I could help you with your kid but it's just. . unfair."

"I know but trust me, Chim. One of these days I will tell you where and who this pup's father is. I just. . I just need a little more time to muster all that bravery."

"And I'll keep on waiting until then."

"Enough about me. Tell me how it's going for you and Mr. Min?" he teases, wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

Jimin chuckled, flustered of the question.

"We're okay, I guess."

"Okay? What do you mean by we're okay? Did he still haven't made any advances towards you? Like kiss, a hug or whatever? Yah! I was rooting for him to be 'that' kind of man."

"What kind of man?" he was amused of how his bestfriend sees his husband, like Yoongi was some sort of a bad boy or is he? Like, what if he really is and is hiding this side of him from him? Is he gonna faint, angry or scared once he finds out?

"Y'know, those type of men in books that belongs to the mafia shit and stuff? I don't know with you but he really gives off that type of vibe especially when he is along with Kookie and Namjoon hyung."

"Kookie? You mean, Jungkook?" Jimin smirks, teasing Taehyung this time around.

"Aish! I'd said quite a lot of few words and that's the only word you choose to picked up?"

"Of course! You never give someone nicknames especially cute ones unless. ."

"Don't you dare!" he warns. Taehyung's cheeks already blushing in anticipation.

"You're crushing on Jungkook?!" Jimin squeaks in glee. He was so happy for Taehyung that he didn't notice the bedroom door opening, revealing the man in question.

"Am I interrupting something?" the alpha asks with another fruits basket on hand.

Jungkook seems to be spoiling Taehyung with a lot of food. Maybe, he was just being thoughtful as there is a life inside his womb but the way how his eyes scans him and warms whenever their eyes locks, tells the omega otherwise. That he isn't just doing these things out of pity.

"N-No!" he immediately covered Jimin's mouth when he saw how he was about to protests about Jungkook's sudden appearance, trying to keep the embarassing conclusion of his bestfriend to the two of them only, "Actually, he was about to leave right, Chim?"

Jimin sticked his tongue out the moment he got rid of Taehyung's hand on his mouth and dash towards Jungkook.

"Actually!" he yells and whispers something on Jungkook's left ear, earning a glare from Taehyung.

Jungkook smiled as soon as Jimin detached himself away from him.

"Good luck!" he gave him a thumbs up, making Taehyung's eyes widen in fear.

Did Jimin just told the alpha infront of him that he has a crush on him? Oh! For fucks sake! He swears if he wasn't pregnant he will run after him just to strangle Jimin to death! How could he do this to me? His own soulmate and bestfriend? he thought, dramatically in his head wanting to faint in embarassment.

How is he suppose to face him now then?

"Why didn't you tell me that you--"

"N-No! Jimin's just bluffing when he said that I have a cru--"

"Huh? That's not what he just said awhile ago. He told me you like crème brûlèe? Is it not? If it is, why didn't you tell me so I could bought you some? And what was that, sorry? You don't have a crush on who?" Jungkook seems a bit off about Taehyung having a crush on someone other than him. If Taehyung really does have one right now, he expects him to say it is him who he has a crush on, not another beta or alpha who isn't here beside him, taking care of him and his pup like he does.

Jungkook is kind of oblivious to the fact that he might be the pup's father for he doesn't want to judge him in anyway but if he isn't, he can still be a father to the pup but only if Taehyung wants to. But he will be really happy if he will accept and most importantly, if the pup is his (which it really is). After all they shared a passionate sex inside the bar's cubicle even though at that time, it was kind of hard to move around. He wonders if Taehyung recognizes him from that night. What if he does and was just pretending all this time that he didn't?

"U-Uh, so yeah! Jimin keeps on insisting I have crush on a carrot when I'd been a loyal lover to strawberries for years! Years, Kookie! Years!"

Jungkook chuckles at Taehyung's statement which the latter followed when he realizes how silly it was.

"Let's go out and have some crème brûlèe, yes? I bet, pup's gonna be happy too, right bud?" he exclaimed, rubbing his hand on Taehyung's bump.

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