Chapter 17

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It was raining and it is not that Jimin hates the rain but, if the things inside his bag are soak because he forgot to bring an umbrella with him and he's alone because Taehyung doesn't have a class today, then just for today he dislikes the rain. More importantly, for some weird reason, suppressants comes off omegas body get wet and right now, he is sure can smell his faint scent as an omega and it is bothering him.

"Fuck," he hisses and hugs his backpack next to him like it will be taken away from him by anyone.

He stands waiting under the waiting shed for a ride home but because of the heavy rain, buses seems to be all full and he does not want to risk himself soaking other peoples clothes and for them to realise that his scent is for an omega. It'll be troublesome for both parties and he wants to avoid trouble no matter what. But he's been in the shed for an hour and a half and it's now getting dark and his feet are starting to get wobbly. On top of that, his stomach grumbles. He badly wants to get home and be with Taehyung and play his precious online games.

He was almost at the edge of falling asleep as he was so tired for the day after going to the studio where he practiced with the group that will be performing for an event tomorrow evening when he hears a loud honk from an expensive car that stops infront of him.

"Do you need a lift?" asks Yoongi, who is now walking towards him with an umbrella in hand. To say Jimin was surprise is an understatement.

"W-Why are you here?" he can feel his cheeks burning from embarassment. This is one of the last things he wants Yoongi to see. He is quite sure to himself he looks nothing but a homeless person next to him that looks posh.

"I-I uh, forgot my umbrella and it rained." he replied, trying to laugh it off but Yoongi seem not pleased by it. Of course, what will other people say if they knew he is Yoongi's husband? It will stain the alpha's reputation but to Yoongi it wasn't the case. It was the fact that he is worried for Jimin's health.


Yoongi was quick to grab Jimin's backpack from him and had an umbrella above his head, forgetting the fact that he is now getting wet from the rain and this alarmed the omega. He felt ashamed of the alpha's action towards him.

"You don't have--"

"Yes, I do. Now, get inside."

"But your car. ."

"I can worry that later."

Jimin huffed and was hesitant to get inside the car and wet the seat but because the alpha said so, he obliged. Yoongi soon followed after and put his backpack at the back seat.

"Here," Yoongi took a dry coat that is hanging at the back seat and put it on Jimin to somehow warm him as he lowers down the aircon inside the car when he saw how the omega is shivering from the cold.

"T-Thank you."

"Mmhh," he replied humming before restarting the car's engine.

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