Chapter 16

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"Why do we have to act like we're some drug dealers whenever we go to this place?" asks Taehyung as they walk like spies going to the institution exclusively for Omegas like them at night.

"Because we can't get caught by anyone. You know how dangerous it is for us to be seen by anyone we know that doesn't understand how it is to be an omega, especially a male omega." replied Jimin.

Both sighed in unison as they finally stood infront of the abandoned looking hospital that is situated in an almost secluded part of the city. Who would have thought that a place like this exists in such place? More importantly, who provide funds for this institution to remain standing?

They quickly went inside and as they walk past the hallway, it suddenly gives them the feeling of falling down to their knees. Probably because of the agonizing screams and the scent coming from the omegas that are in heat.

Jimin and Taehyung held hands together as they walk towards one of the rooms in the fifth floor where their doctor is already waiting for them to arrive.

"Dr. Moon!" they greet in unison.

Moon Byul-yi is one of the female doctors in the institution. Always dress in suits but for tonight, she is wearing a white long sleeves that is tucked in her black pants. Her soft, curly hair hanging down to her shoulders.

She greets them with a smile.

"Hi! Glad you made it," then she turns to Jimin, "I'm sorry, Jimin if I'll have to be your Doctor for tonight. Solar rang earlier today and said she won't be able to make it 'coz she is sick today."

"No need for you or her to be sorry. Besides, she already rang me too earlier today to let me know. We all fall sick sometimes so its okay."

"Aww! You're really such an angel!" says Moonbyul hugging Jimin.

After awhile, she starts examining and interviewing Jimin and Taehyung separately to check their condition as an omega as omegas tend to have changes in their hormones especially when they're next to an alpha who can sometimes, ironically be their mates too.

"We'll have to wait for the results first before I can confirm if we have to prescribe a higher dosage of suppressants for the both of you or not. Hopefully, this will be available by tomorrow," says Moonbyul giving them separate bottles of usual suppressants.

They bid their goodbyes at Moonbyul and walked out of the institution with their refill of suppressants.

"What do you think will the results be? Will there be changes with my suppressant dosage?" asks Taehyung, nervously.

"I don't know, Tae. Hopefully it will be the same for the both of us. You know, just the usual however I can sense how nervous you are especially that you just had a recent contact with an alpha and I know Dr. Moon is quite concern about this information you gave her too."

"I shouldn't have told her that, right?"

"Silly! She'll know either way."


Both sighed in unison.

"What will you do if incase, you know?" asks Taehyung hesitantly when a woman holding a baby in her arms walks past them and Jimin already knew what he is referring to.

"Then I'll stay by your side like a soulmate should be. It's not like we can push back the baby inside your womb." says Jimin, teasing.

"Wow, such a brave soulmate right there. If I remember correctly, you said you don't want to have a child but now you're willing to be a parent to a child that isn't yours? Is that your omega instinct kicking in?"

Jimin quickly throw a glare at Taehyung that made the other realize that their still outside and others might hear them. He instantly shuts his mouth.

"Anyway, when is the party that you'll be attending as a part-time dancer?"

"The night after tomorrow. Hopefully, my husband by paper won't suddenly need my very existence or it'll be a problem."

Taehyung's eyes widened in surprise.

"Did you just said 'your husband'? Omo! I sense progress to you both!"

"Stop with thag nonsense, Tae. I just don't like addressing him by his name."

"You sure? Or is it because you don't know his name?" he snickered.

Jimin's eyes widened and a blush crept to his cheeks making it obvious for the latter to know that he is, indeed correct.

"Oh my god, Jimin! You married a man you don't even know what his name is?!"

"O-Of course, I know!"

"Then what's his name? Tell me."

He tried to remember Yoongi's name by remembering the last name that was written on 'his' supposedly black card.


"Min, what?"

"Just Min!"

"Oh my god, Jimin! I can't believe you!"

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