Chapter 37

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Doona can't keep a smile on her lips as she tends on Namjoon's cuts and bruises after coming home from the bar with a sleeping Jin in his arms along with Yoongi and Jimin following behind. Namjoon seemed to went all out in putting the alphas to their place when they tried harming his omega. Yeah, Namjoon can really be that greedy when it comes to Jin.

"Look at you, all grown up," Doona teases, "Never thought you'll go rascal for a lower rank. Remember what you and your brother were blabbering before when my son needs to have his Queen?" she smirks and Namjoon blushes at the memory.

"Imo! That was before. What can I say? I really like Jin even when I thought he was a Beta." Namjoon pouts.

"Correction, 'we'." says Yoongi, arms wrapped around Jimin's waist.

"Can I go check on Jin? I just want to know if he's okay now and what happened at the bar before we came. Jin have never had this problem before ever since we'd been friends with him."

Namjoon looks at Jimin hesitantly. Sure, he is Jin's friend and an omega too but his alpha instinct says otherwise. Jimin noticed this and almost whimper but Yoongi was quick to dismiss it by growling at Namjoon, reminding him that Jimin means no harm.

"Y-Yeah, I guess you can."

"What's going on?" they all turn their heads at the sudden familiar voice that butted in the conversation and saw Taehyung being accompanied by Jungkook, holding snacks in his hands.

"And what happened to your face, hyung?" Jungkook adds.

"Got into a fight. Proud to say your brother won." Doona snickered.

"As he should," seconds Jungkook, giving a thumbs up to Namjoon to which his brother smirks at the compliment.

Taehyung, Jimin and Doona shook their heads. Typical alpha, is what they had in mind. Yoongi just remained attached to Jimin's waist but when the omega decided to detached himself away from him, the said alpha almost whine from the lost of warmth. Doona smirked to herseld upon seeing her son's reaction.

"C'mon, Tae. I'm sure Jin will be happy to see us."

"Jin hyung? He's here? How?" asks Taehyung, surprised that Jin is in the mansion with them as he walks beside Jimin, leaving the alphas and Doona behind.

The two omegas immediately closed the door as soon as they entered the room to where Jin is, to prevent his scent scattering around the mansion that may trigger the ones outside. Of course, none of the alphas on the other side of the door are mated to any of them and this kind of bugs Jimin and Taehyung.

Just as the two sat at the edge of the bed, Jin stirred from his sleep. He tiredly opened his eyes and looked around before landing it on his friends.

"Chim? Tae? What are you. .? Where am I?" he asks, confused as to why his friends are infront of him. The last thing he remembered is calling Jimin and everything went black for him but he did remember sort of hearing Namjoon's voice but he could be wrong.

"Hyung. ." Jimin looks at Taehyung first to seek approval whether it will be fine to tell Jin that the alphas outside already knows his secret. That Namjoon was the one who protected him against other alphas earlier at the bar.

"Are you two just gonna stare at each other and forget about me? You're making me worry," Jin chews his lips as he anxiously stared at his friends.

"Uhm" Taehyung hesitates and nudges Jimin.

"We fetch you at your work, hyung because you sound like something's wrong with you when you called me and I was right. When we went at your workplace, there's a commotion happening because you. . you had your heat while at work. Good thing, Taemin-sii and his mate was there to protect you and Namjoon hyung just got there in time."

"Namjoon?" of all the things Jin could be worried about, he choose to be worried of Namjoon knowing that he is an omega.

"Yes, hyung. Namjoon hyung fought all the alphas who dares to touch you. Taemin-ssi even tried to stop him from getting you out of the bar in worry that he might do something against you but Namjoon hyung was so. . I don't know. He don't want to let anyone to touch you. He even glared at me when I told him I want to see you if you're okay," Jimin pouts at the memory. Good thing, Yoongi was there to protect him from Namjoon.


"Yes, and he looks like a bad boy, hyung! You should see his face! He looks hot!" chirps Taehyung dreamingly.

Jimin and Jin both glared at him.

"What? I'm just telling the truth!"

"I'm so gonna tell Jungkook!" exclaimed Jimin, rushing through the door as Taehyung tries to catch up on him.

"Hey, I was just joking! Why you gotta be so serious?"

Jin chucked at his two friends chasing each other until they left the room. He can still hear them yelling at each other and decided to just go back to sleep. He still feels very weak. Unlike his two friends, Jin can somehow be in control with his heat, well not until. .

. . he felt Namjoon's hands stroking a strand of his hair away from his face. His ears almost perks up and wishes his flushing cheeks are not obvious to the alpha infront of him. His heart beating loudly whenever the said alpha is near.

"You almost gave me a heart attack, don't you know that?" Namjoon whispers, sighing and still stroking his hair but enough for Jin to hear.

"Please don't do that again. I swear, I'm gonna go crazy if something happens to you, Jin hyung and I'm not there to protect you. You may have been all by yourself for a long time and I don't want to sound cheesy or you to depend on me but please, take care of yourself and if you need help, just ask me and I'll drop everything for you. Just. . please be safe when you're by yourself." says Namjoon, mumbling to a sleeping Jin.

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