Chapter 23

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Jimin woke up lightheaded. He sat on the the bed he had been laying on for hours and looked around the familiar room.

That is when it finally hit him. He remembered being at the party and the alpha who tried to take advantage of his state and being chased by other alphas because of his scent. What he is not sure of is, if it really happened or just his mind playing tricks on him that Yoongi was there along with other men who he supposed are his bodyguards.

As much as he wants to remember every detail he could for answers he wants to get, this only caused his head to ache.

He noticed how apart from his clothes that is different, his scent is still the same. The scent of a beta that the supressants is providing. But it has been a couple of hours since he last took it so, why is it still not wearing off?

Well, Yoongi's decision might have something to do with what Solar did to him that makes his scent still of a beta.

A knock from the door woke him from his train of thoughts and he spotted a maid pushing a cart filled with food that fills his nostrils, making him salivate in hunger.

The maid quickly arranged the food infront of him and bowed once she is done to allow Jimin to eat. He looked at the breakfast infront of him and couldn't help but drool. He hungrily took a bite of the bread first before slurping the mushroom soup and drinking the hot milk. To say that this doesn't comfort him in anyway is a lie. He feels warm.

He keeps on eating until there's no food left for him to eat and when he was about to step out of the bed to bring the dirty dishes out of the room, the maid returned and took it from him. Asking him to take another rest as he needs it.

"Uhm, sorry to ask you this but could you tell me where I am? Who brought me here?" he asks, politely.

Of course, he already have someone in mind. It's just that he is still contemplating whether it is real or not.

"Mr. Min was the one who brought you here last night." replies the maid, trying to make it sound as neutral as possible but failing with her voice that sounds questioning the other.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry. I was probably too sleepy last night to remember."

Jimin tries to play it cool until the maid went out to leave him again on his own.

"I'm in deep shit," he murmured.

It wasn't long after his body decided to doze off again, so when Yoongi decided to pay him a visit, he saw him sleeping soundly like an angel and the alpha couldn't help but to stare at his omega a little longer than usual.

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