Chapter 28

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As soon as Yoongi and Jimin arrived at the mansion, he immediately instructed the maids to get moving as he laid him inside the master's bedroom.

He got out of the room as quick as he can and went to another room to shower and change his clothes. His omega seems good at reeking his scent not that the alpha mind. He actually loves Jimin's scent but it'll be a problem for him staying inside the room where the omega is at, for a bit too long or he might do something both of them will regret even thou he knows he needs an heir. Consent is a must is what he keep on reminding himself of. His mother didn't get to have that with his father so, the least he could do is to give it to the male omega to somehow make his mother proud of him.

"No! I need to see Taehyung! Where is he?" he stops from his track when he heard Jimin's loud voice, asking for his bestfriend, causing a distress scent from his omega and everyone knows how bad it is to stress an omega during heat.

Instead of going after his men or maids to ask Taehyung's whereabout, no matter how dangerous it can be to face his omega at his state, he chose to ignore it and ask to switch with the person inside the room to speak to Jimin and try to calm him down.

"So would you be a good birdie and wait for Taehyung to be back from the doctor's office, hmm?"

Jimin stared at Yoongi with awe and a blush creeping on his cheeks. He pouts in embarassment on how he whined about his bestfriend but now that the alpha is infront of him, he just wants to hide but snuggle close to him at the same time.

"Will you me keep company then?"

"Only if you want me to, birdie."

"I am not a birdie!" he pouts, making it hard for Yoongi to peel his eyes away from the omega. Someone should be thrown to jail for making Jimin an omega! How could someone create this walking masterpiece and let him, a greedy alpha have him? Illegal, indeed!

"What are you, then?" he challenged. There are no signs of him trying to insult the omega's rank. If anything, he wants the omega to be true to himself and to him. He wants to teach the omega not to turn himself down because of his rank because he is now here, beside him. He will be the one to protect the omega if someone tries to insult or hurt him because of his rank. No one deserves to be taken lightly because of their rank is what Yoongi believes in.

"B-Beta!" lied Jimin.

Of course, both of them knew it's a lie.

"Birdie, don't lie. First thing you must know about me, as your husband, is I hate pretentious people because there lies a liar." Yoongi states, letting the omega feel his alpha senses, causing the other to tremble in fear and lust.

Lust? asks Jimin to himself.

Yep, he's still in his heat. Day 1. So it's normal for him to feel the way he is feeling, the only difference is, it is much stronger now that he is infront of an alpha, his alpha, who seems to naturally display this kind of behavior and for Jimin, he finds it hot and alluring at the same time.

"Birdie, you're too close." he warns, as he try to peel himself away from the omega but to no avail. Jimin is already straddling onto him. Fuck. How did he let this happen? He wants nothing but to calm the distress omega earlier and be true to himself as he looks straight into the omega's eyes. He better learn his lesson not to look at it again. It's dangerous. It's like digging his own grave to where the snake hole is.

"N-No! I-I like your scent. . Warm. ." he mumbles, burying his face deep on Yoongi's neck. The alpha had to take a deep breath and tried not to react on the intimiate position they are both in when thankfully, the door slammed open revealing Taehyung.

"I need Jimin!" he ignored their position and pull the omega away from his alpha. Even though Jimin was surprised from being pulled away from his comfortable position, he took Taehyung gladly and Yoongi was more than glad to the other barging in. Usually he will be annoyed by this type of action but for today, he is thankful for he does not  know what could have happen if Taehyung didn't showed up or if he was just a second late.

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