Chapter 18

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The ride going home was quiet but it wasn't uncomfortable much to Jimin and Yoongi's expectation. In reality, it was calm even though outside the car, the rain was pouring hard and is traffic.

Yoongi doubts that Jimin is comfortable of the situation so decided to turn on the radio. His action made the younger turn his attention towards him.

At first, he thought Jimin doesn't want the music coming from the radio and was about to turn it off but his hand was swatted away by the younger when a new familiar tune starts playing. Jimin gave a small apology to Yoongi, explaining that he don't mind the music and that the song currently playing is his favorite. This made the both of them smile shyly at each other as their eyes somehow communicate unconsciously.

Baby, you're too precious, you make it
Hard to believe
Love can be so vicious
Can't resist, so show your teeth
Yellow with desire, got me howlin' at the moon
Cause baby I'm the wolf in you
Oh, maybe I'm that wolf in you
And I'm comin' after you
And I'm comin' after you

"You have a nice voice," says Jimin, praising Yoongi that made the other blush which made him giggle.

"Yours is actually my type. I have heard a few voices from before but yours is different. I like it," Yoongi was too straight forward that it cause Jimin a coughing fit. He was embarassed with how Yoongi complimented his voice.

"I-I'm sorry?"

"I'm not going to repeat myself. I don't want to boost your ego, birdie."

The endearment made Jimin pout and Yoongi thinks his pout is adorable.

"Stop calling me, birdie. I have a name."

"If I call you by your name, what will you call me then?"

This question made the omega gulped. He didn't know what to call him. He can say a few ones just like how he address the students like him in the university as he was the so-called natural flirt but why is he nervous saying one to Yoongi? On top of that, as much as he wants to call him too by his name with honorifics as he knows Yoongi is older than him, in reality he only knew his last name.

Then a memory with Taehyung strucked him. He knew this endearment made his soulmate eyes widened. Hopefully, it will work and be sufficient for Yoongi's liking.

"My husband." he deadpanned but is looking outside the window, unable to look at Yoongi in the eye.

Jimin shivered hearing the deep, throaty laugh of Yoongi but in a good way.

"Alright, Jiminnie." he can sense a smile coming from Yoongi and it makes his heart flutter.

Jiminnie? Not bad.

Of course, he will know his name. They signed the marriage contract but he is too occupied at the time to care about the older's name was that what he only remember is his last name.

But of course, he will make sure to know it in some other way and time. He have to -- as his husband.

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