Chapter 42

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"Hyung!" exclaimed the two omegas gleefully upon seeing Jin with Namjoon.

"And here I thought we will be the first one to arrive," Jin says, hugging the two, "Where are they?"

"Oh, Appa? She's with Imo," Taehyung replied, pointing at Doona and Bong at the bar's counter laughing and drinking along with other patrons, "Still can't believe they knew each other."

"At this rate, nothing is a coincidence anymore," says Jimin and the two looks at him meaningfully. Ah, yes.

Nothing is really a coincidence. Everything happens for a reason. Everything is bound to happen. Like a piece of art that had been broken into two, its meant to be together again no matter what the circumstances are.

"I wanna dance," Taehyung pouts and looks at the crowd at the centre dancing their hearts out along with the beat in the background.

"Then let's dance once it's not that crowded anymore. I'm sure Jungkook will agree." replied Jimin, happily rubbing the omega's bump.

"Since when did you two got marked?" Jin was surprised when he took notice of his friends necks. Both young omegas are now claimed by their alphas and here he was, still patiently waiting for Namjoon.

"Last night."

"Ealier today because Chim decided to have his without informing me."

"Tae! I already told you it wasn't intentional."

"Yeah, really wasn't." exclaimed Taehyung, eye rolling, "Didn't even hear you moaning."

Jimin cheeks turned red in embarassment.


"You were that loud last night? You aren't on your heat, right? Or him being on his rut? Just a normal night, yes?"

"You two! Could you stop blabbering nonsense!" Jimin pouts and the omega giggled happily by teasing him.

"Oh yeah, because Yoongi is looking at you right now and he might not be able to resist you charms and steal you from us which is gonna be unfair seriously," says Jin as he simply eyed Namjoon from his seat who took notice and waved at him. He chuckled and waved back.

Jungkook nudged his brother, "Hyung, you look like a fool waving to his crush."

Yoongi smirked while Namjoon just rolled his eyes at his brother.

"At least, I'm not that slow to realize that maybe I am the one who impregnated the omega I am taking care of." he replied, making Yoongi chuckled on his seat and earning a blush on his brother's cheek.

"Hey! I just don't want to assume anything unless Taehyung confirms it though I already have thoughts of being the pups father. But still, if it didn't turned out to be mine like what happened, I'm still gonna keep him and the pup. They're mine."

Yoongi took a sip of his whiskey as the brothers keep on arguing about what ifs and him, staring at Jimin, getting lost on his omega's beauty. He still can't believe how time flies so fast. It seems like yesterday when he saw him, married him and was still in-denial of his growing feelings of him and yet, here he is now.

"Yoongi, they're here."

He turned his head towards the other side of the bar and saw the alpha enemy of his, Jung Hoseok. The handsome man, oozing with sex appeal making everyone's eyes turn to him. He immediately looks at the omegas and saw how Jimin didn't even spare a glance towards the enemy's direction instead he caught him staring at him with a blush on his cheeks. He smirked at his omega.


Jimin was the one to break off his stare on Yoongi when he realizes he is being pulled by his friends on the dance floor. They were only few left since the Dj change the music thus changing the vibe.

Yoongi nods, letting him know it's okay. Jimin smiled and allowed his friends to pull him fully at the dance floor.

"How refreshing it is to see my co-alphas, yeah? You think something unexpected might happen again since we guys met?" asks Hoseok, enthusiastically as he stands infront of the three.

Namjoon immediately gave him a glare. He really doesn't like Hoseok since the last time they met, he took the beta he likes (that he thought will be his mate before he met Jin) and married her. As much as he wants to be complacent that the said alpha is already mated, it doesn't mean he doesn't have side hoes that he occassionally mess around behind his mate's back. He feels sorry for her but right now, he feels scared that he might get Jin's attention and he will be left alone again. But unlike before, he's not gonna let Hoseok have what is his even when he and Jin isn't official yet.

"Oh fuck off! If you're planning to do something with what's ours, well let me tell you straight to your face that they're already our mates." snickered Jungkook.

"Hold your horse, little brother. I'm mated, remember?" Hoseok smirks, his cockiness is on full display infront of the three before he gaze at the omegas, happily dancing on the dance floor.

"Doesn't seem all three of them. Hmm, I wonder what's the name of the handsome man with broad shoulders?"

Namjoon ball his fists. He knew the man is really observant just like Yoongi except that he is more open to gossips and rumours.

"And I wonder what you're doing in a place like this without your mate? Don't you care about your reputation or being an alpha alone already gets too much into your head that you don't care?" says Yoongi, trying to take the spotlight away from his friend.

Hoseok chuckled as he glares down at Yoongi, "And what's wrong with that? I'm an alpha. You're an alpha too. We're the highest of the ranks. We're not suppose to act like we aren't or it'll be a shame really. Anyway, I'll be going now. I don't want to waste both of our times. See you later especially you, Yoongi."

Hoseok smirked before leaving and vanishing into the bar with his men.

"Where did that fucker went?" asks Jungkook, trying to look for Hoseok but is failing. The dance floor is slowly getting crowded again.

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