Chapter 14

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"So when are you going to introduce The Queen, King Alpha?" asks Jungkook, teasing as he sips his brandy.

"It depends, or actually you know what? Never." he deadpanned.

"The hell you are saying? You can't keep about having yourself a Queen a secret to everyone other than me and Jungkook. If Imo finds out about this, you'll surely be doomed!"

"Finds out what?"

Namjoon and Jungkook's face pailed whereas Yoongi remained unbothered.

"A-About the afternoon tea that we are planning at 4 o'clock today," Jungkook was quick to answer.

"Afternoon tea? What are you? Three? A bunch of  little girls in dresses?"

Yoongi scoffed.

"We just want a change in what we do, Imo. Don't you want an afternoon tea? You could join us only if you want to, of course," replied Namjoon, defending and supporting Jungkook's lie.

Doona sighed and believed their lie.


She left to prepare, leaving the three men.

"Afternoon tea, huh?" snickers Yoongi.

"Atleast, she believed it." says Jungkook, shrugging.

"So, where are we going then for the afternoon tea?"

"I know a place."

It's not like Jungkook had stalked Taehyung, no, not at all but he had been seeing him go to the same small cafè near Taehyung's university every morning which gave Jungkook an idea that it might be his favorite cafè shop and he is curious to see how it looks like inside. He wants to experience what the other enjoys too so, saying Jungkook stalked Taehyung, maybe. Just a little. Was he in denial about this? Absolutely.

"I like the ambiance of this place. How'd you found this, Jungkook?" asks Doona, as they entered the cafè premises.

None of them could believe the place is a cafe as it looks like a small cottage from the ouside. Probably it is the reason why the name of the cafè is Lost & Found.

The interior was mostly made out of wood, antique things, books and plants. It's like a dreamy cottage for an elf or perhaps, a hobbit. It has a second floor too. But what caught their attention, mostly of Yoongi, was the small wooden piano situated on the side, beside the window near the cashier.

Upon seeing it, Yoongi couldn't help but run his fingers through the keys that gave goosebumps to the Alpha. Ah, the good 'ol days when he isn't yet the man he is today. He remembers how he loved being with his piano, playing it day by day after his mother taught him but not until his Father decided that he needs to learn how to be an adult and took all the things he loves for him to focus on being the next heir and as much as the younger version of him hates it, he must admit that what his Father did paid off.

"It's not too late to try playing it again, Yoongi." says Doona, eyeing him with warm, teary eyes. She knew how his son loves to play and being with his piano. It used to be Yoongi's life line.

"I have better things to do than to play the stupid thing," says Yoongi in distaste, walking back to where Namjoon and Jungkook are, leaving Doona sighing.

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