Chapter 43

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"Hyung?" Jimin almost stumbled to his feet when Yoongi suddenly appeared before him, surprising him. He noticed his friends are already with their alphas.

"Having fun, birdie?" he replied, smirking. Eyes looks inviting. Probably because Yoongi had already drank a couple glass of whiskey but cannot be considered drunk or tipsy as he could still clearly see Jimin's pretty features.

Jimin nods.

"It's been awhile since I was out with them like this." He was right. Jimin's time juggled only between classes, online games and part-time job. The only time he will be out partying is if he is with Jin and Taehyung as he is not use to socialize mainly it was because of his rank since he is avoiding trouble and to bother anyone in case problem arise.

"Does the one almost being caught by the police counts too?" he asks whispering to his ear with an arm wrapping on the omega's waist comfortably as their body's gap can no longer define what space is, as the dance floor continues to fill up with other patrons.

Jimin's eyes widen in surprise.

"H-How. .?"

"Saw you three coincidentally before right out of the bar being chased by policemen. I could still remember clear as day the way how you screamed for your dear life," says Yoongi, whispering to his ear, biting a little making Jimin shiver. The omega pushes himself more to Yoongi which delighted the alpha, hands roaming on Jimin's back down to his waist and fat ass. Jimin gasps for a little air, a moan escaping his mouth but even with the loud sounds he was able to hear him, earning a smirk on his lips.

it's so good, i wanna leave you but it's tying me down
i can't escape it, I'm captivated
by your red eyes
I'm hypnotized

When their gaze met, Jimin swore the tension between him and Yoongi intensified. The alpha's scent intoxicating him, making him forget his surroundings.

It was just him and his alpha in his mind. Bodies grinding in between the waves of others. He gulped when he catches Yoongi's eyes flashing red.

oh oh oh oh oh-oh, oh oh oh oh oh-oh
i need your crush, your venomous lush
oh oh oh oh oh-oh, oh oh oh oh oh-oh
your cinnamon touch, i can't get enough

"Don't you think you're being a little too obvious, alpha?" asks Jimin, in his sultry voice, building more tension in Yoongi's body. He could just take him right then and there but he wouldn't want them to see Jimin in his vulnerable state. It should only be him who needs to see that. Who needs to have that. Only him.

"You think you could still say that again as you take my knot?" he asks, smirking. Cat-like eyes scanning him thoroughly.

Jimin's eyes widen. A mixed of fear, lust and excitement brings heat and goosebumps to his body in a good way.

So, that's why Yoongi was being way more touchy to him after marking him. He was on his pre-rut and tonight was his much anticipated rut to tie him down to his. For him to have the alpha's knot. As much as his mind wants to reminds him that Yoongi had spent his rut or his needing days with others, his sense of pride to have his pups inside him makes him wants to scream in happiness.

To him, it only means the alpha deemed him worthy of carrying his offspring. He recalls hating the idea of having a pup but with Yoongi, he would gladly throw himself and offer his body for him to use and he knows very well the alpha will gladly give him whatever he wants.

you shoot through the room with your criminal stare
cutting me through and you know it ain't fair
oh oh oh oh oh-oh, oh oh oh oh oh-oh
baby you're a bad seed, a bad seed
a bad seed

"Let's get out of here, yes?" exclaimed the alpha after they absentmindedly make out at the dance floor but not that it matters to them. Jimin let himself be pulled out of the bar and when he saw their means of transportation, he shared a laugh with his alpha.

"You planned this, didn't you?"

Yoongi shrugged, "Just let me take you on a ride before you ride me."

Jimin cheeks blushed in embarassment but that only made him want the alpha more to take him. The idea Yoongi is giving him is driving him insane.

Yoongi laughed between Jimin's frightened scream as he drove the motorcycle on their way home. He made sure it was almost the same way how Jin drove that night and the omega didn't even give a second thought on latching himself too much on the alpha's body.

"Slow down you dick!" Jimin pouts, teary eyed that his husband is such a tease, "You're gonna make me cum even before you take me!"

He could feel his hardening cock, releasing an ample amount of his due to the swerve and bumps on the road that the alpha is intentionally doing just to hear him moan in between.

"Do that and you'll see what happens."

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