Chapter 5

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Jimin is still dumbfounded on how quick it happened but who is he to even bother thinking of that when he is damn kidnapped by whoever these greedy, shitty people are?

He remember getting near the sushi bar not far from where their dorm is, when someone grabbed him and covered his mouth with a handkerchief that has a chemical on it, making him loose his will to fight and was immediately knockout from his conscious. Now, here he is inside a warehouse with several others who he thinks was kidnapped too, just like he is and they are all kneeling down with mouths stuff by a ball of cloth to prevent them from screaming for help.

He is now regretting his decision to not have Taehyung come with him but on the otherhand, he was thankful he didn't or else, he will have him drag along on this shit and he does not want that. He knows Taehyung might have already been worried and hungry because he is still not back at their dorm but he is not also even sure if he will still be coming back right at this situation.

He looks around and notices that most of them are females with pretty faces and some are kids which made his stomach flip in disgust.

He is not dumb not to know what could happen to them especially when it has always been in the news. There are many possibilities what could happened to them. Either their organs will be taken away with or without their consent and be sold to the black market for a high price, or they will be sold as slaves - normal or sex slaves, depends on what type of buyer it will be and he, does not want to be  included on the last option.

He rather have his kidney or any parts of his body be sold and die than to be a slave.

But then he remembers, the suppresants he drank today could wear off anytime soon and this made him panic.

One of the men who kidnapped them looks at every single one of them, like he is analyzing which of which should be send to probably the hospital to have their organs taken away or to the brothel. To say Jimin is scared is an understatement. He didn't even think this day to come and happen to him.

He just wants to go home and eat dinner with Taehyung and play games and attend school likes a regular, normal student. He has a dream. He still wants to perform on stage and be a known dancer or ballerina or something.

He is not yet ready of whatever these men  might want him to experience thus making his eyes watery, earning the man's glance analayzing them to him.


His eyes widened and scared the shit out of him. He tried to protests, yell and get his hands off the rope and kick the man's ball in anger but he couldn't. His hands was tied down real good by these bastards.

"Nu-uh. With this kind face? I mean, yeah for sure, he will be popular but look," a new face came into picture and went towards Jimin to touch his skin which makes the other want to puke, "Look how good his skin is. He will sell a high price at the auction which luckily the riches are willing to pay more than of a brothel could."

Jimin should be atleast thankful that this man appeared but no, he couldn't because that is even more worse than to fuck with a lot of man in the brothel.

He knew being sold to a rich man or woman will make him their sex slave to until the day he dies because the money they spend in an auction is highly unimaginable and is unimpossible for him to repay neither to run away.

Fuck these people, he thought.

"Alright, shall we get him dolled up then?" he heard before everything infront of him becomes blurry again.

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