Chapter 41

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"What are you doing here, evil woman?"

"I should be the one asking you that, mister strawberry maniac?"

Doona and Bong glared at each other at the entrance of the mansion as the four stood behind in disbelief.

"Do they know each other?" asks Jimin, nudging Taehyung.

"Don't talk to me, traitor." snickers Taehyung, pouting, hugging Jungkook's arm like it is his life line.

Jungkook chuckled silently.

"I already told you it wasn't intentional not to tell you but this alpha right here thought it was a good thing to tell you before I do," Jimin looks at Yoongi beside him, who seemed not to care but can hear what he and Taehyung is fighting over. The fight is just for a petty/silly reason but still, it's fun seeing two omegas argue of who got the first mark.

In Jimin's mind, he wants to strangle Yoongi but the moment he remembered how the alpha manhandled him, it made him blush and had a second thought. The alpha's mark still stings but it was worth it after all the pleading he went thru because the alpha seems to be a tease.

"Is this another sort of coincidence that you guys know each other?" asks Namjoon, eyeing Doona and Bong who seems to be playing a game in their minds, not moving from where they are.

"At this point, nothing is a coincidence anymore," replied Jungkook.

"Yeah," the two answered in unison.

"Bong is my classmate and an idiot of a best friend in highschool."

"Doona is the wicked witch bothering and bullying me before because I was the silent, shy man she had ever met so she used to pair me up to whoever she thinks will like me aside from her. I honestly thought she has a crush on me."

"Oh for fucks sake, I am gay!"

"Yes, you are but what happened?"

"Ranks happened."

"At least you have a good looking son."

"Of course! I am a good looking woman!"

The five just looked at each other in disbelief. It seems like the two adults had forgotten they are no longer teenagers by the way they bicker at one another.

"Are you two just gonna argue or. .?"

"No!" they yelled in unison as they looked at each other before laughing.

"We'll be having a party because I said so and no one can say no," says Doona before placing his arm over Bong's shoulder as the other did the same.

They happily walked side-by-side like two eggs wobbling on a tray, laughing at each other as they catch up with stories.

"I guess we have to prepare then," Yoongi shrug, pulling Jimin to his side as they walk inside towards their room.

"I hate you," muttered Jimin with a pout as he stared at Yoongi who just had closed their bedroom door.

"That isn't what you told me earlier today when you woke up and last night when I was fuck--"

"Lalala~" Jimin had both pointing fingers inserted to his ears to cancel out any unholy words that may come out of Yoongi's mouth. His alpha is a meanie. Not only did the man enjoyed teasing him but everytime he looks at him, it is always gonna be an invitation for him to surrender himself even though he kept on telling himself that he will make sure to see if the alpha will pass all his requirements but who needs to check those when Yoongi is the standard?

The omega immediately latched himself to the alpha even before Yoongi could even hold him when they heard a loud scream coming from the outside.

"What was that?" Jimin asks, snuggling on the older's chest.

"Stay here." Yoongi says before checking his gun hidden behind his pants and walking towards the door when they all heard Taehyung yelling.

"It's all fine! Just got marked!"

Jimin groaned. He could hear from where he's at the smirk on Taehyung's voice. That sneaky omega, he thought.

"Do you guys have some sort of secret competition of whose gonna be mark first?" asks Yoongi, in disbelief.

"Of course, not!" Jimin pouts, crossing his arms as he bounces a little on the edge of the bed he just sat on.

"Well, seems like it to me." says the alpha before caging Jimin in his arms to kiss his lips.

"I thought we're gonna prepare for the party?" a pink blush paints Jimin's cheeks, pouting infront of the alpha with his heart stammering, making him dizzy.

"Yeah, but I didn't say right now." Yoongi peppers Jimin's neck with soft, little kisses making the omega moan on delight, "Say, does my Jiminnie wants to have some fun time with me before we attend to that party, yes?"

Jimin looks in awe at his alpha's eyes flashing red before nodding.

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