Chapter 31

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"It's weird to see you alone. Where are your friends?" asks Jin, while wiping the counter.

"They, uh, they're actually kind of busy tonight. Jungkook is helping Yoongi pack some clothes for the next couple of days."

"Will he be on a trip?"

Jin stops wiping the counter and wash off his hands to mix a drink for a customer who just sat at the end of the counter and ordered a glass of dry whiskey.

"No. He just need to distance himself to his, uh. ." says Namjoon, having a hard time not to give away too much information in a not-so crowded place but later, it will be. Anyways, the night is just starting as they say.

Jin handed the whiskey to the customer and was about to get out of the counter but made sure to give Namjoon a bottle of beer first. His treat of course.

"Beer?" he was surprise when Jin handed him a bottle of beer instead of the Classic Gin that he was suppose to order. Oh, how can he not love the beta more, even when that might just be a coincidence?

"It's my first time to see you go on break."

"Well, there's always first to everything."

It really is the first time for Jin to take a break during his shift. Normally, he will just work straight until end of shift but not today. He is worried of his two omega friends who suddenly disappeared without a trace, leaving only a scent of an alpha being in their apartment.

The scent seems to be familiar but he couldn't pinpoint where he had smelt it before. Should have purchase a cctv a long time ago for the safety of my renters, he thought, since he don't know if his friends were really kidnap or if this unknown alpha is simply a familiar to his friends. Because as far as he knows, Taehyung's Dad who happens to be an Alpha doesn't smell like what he had smelt earlier outside his friends room.

"Is there something I can help you with, hyung?" worried, Namjoon absentmindedly patted Jin's head. The act surprised the omega thus the latter and he immediately retracted his hand away upon realizing what he just did.

Jin doesn't mind if its Namjoon who has a crush on him who does it. He knows the alpha is just honestly worried of him. It is just that Jin isn't use to being touch. The only times someone tried to touch him was after they found out his rank and believe it or not, he was disgusted and scared at the same time. This made Jin be selective of who he interacts with because everytime he gives someone a chance, he is being let down every single time except of course by his two omega male friends including Namjoon.

"Why were you here alone again?" asks Jin, when he remembered the alpha haven't answered him yet.

"I should be the one asking you, when did you see me alone? I am always with Yoongi and my brother." he chuckled.

It might not seem like it but Jin had been eyeing Namjoon ever since he started to work at clubs as a trainee. When he first started, he wasn't even a bartender yet. He was just either a waiter or someone that works in the backroom and that is before someone suggested him to try working as a bartender due to his face that attracta alot of customers and the one that had suggest it was his now boss at the club he works at and he was actually right. Ever since he worked as a bartender, the club starts gaining more patron and it taught him how to be more confident of himself but he knows its not every night is a good night. There are days as well some customers are just plain dumb that doesn't understand the word no when they try to get into his pants. Good thing his boss is a good man.

And where are we? Ah, yes. Namjoon.

He had saw the said alpha a few times before at clubs he used to work at and Jin might deny it himself but it is not hard to know that the omega have a crush on the other too. Who wouldn't? Aside from being an alpha, the man even though attracts a lot of gorgeous, hot female alpha and betas here and there, isn't like the other alphas he had seen. He doesn't go approach them, if anything they will be the one to approach him and it will take a while before he gets use to one of them and if they're lucky they can go out the club and spend the night him. Oh how Jin wants to experience that as well but he knows he won't especially when he himself knows that the man is dangerous aside from bring an alpha.

He doesn't want to get himself into trouble but tonight, he might need a little of his help. He remembered what Jimin had told him before their disappearance about the mysterious man that offered him marriage in return of saving/buying Jimin from an auction for his safety.

"When? Hmm, a few times actually that made me wondering why when you went here with your friends the first time, you ordered a Classic Gin and not a beer."

Jin's reply surprised Namjoon and he can't help but smirk to himself.

Interesting, he thought. Jin's right. There might always be a first to everything.

"Tell me more, hyung."

"Only if you agree to help me?"

"I will sure do anything you asks me to."

After tonight, both will now become aware how connected they are since the beginning. Destiny, perhaps?

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