Chapter 34

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A week had passed and Jimin's heat was over much to Yoongi's liking. As for Taehyung, he is still under the weather. Pregnancy heat is something else compare to normal heats. It spikes up and down and there are no suppressants he could take so he ends up being bed bound, taking online classes under Jungkook's supervision.

Yoongi isn't one to eavesdrop but as soon as he heard the conversation between Jin and his omega about Taehyung's well-being, he immediately asked Jungkook to take responsibility over the younger even when he didn't know why he did that when he could have just asks someone aside from him to take the role. He was pleased to hear that Jungkook was willing to help Taehyung out despite the fact that the younger was impregnated by an unknown alpha. He don't know what has gotten into him but he feels protective of not only his omega but his bestfriend too. He wants to know who impregnated the other and make the alpha pay for his mistakes.

He is not going to let the said alpha run away from his responsibilities especially if he knots Taehyung unwillingly. He was just lucky too that Jungkook has probably a crush on said omega as to why he is willing to help the other out or maybe he was just doing it out of concern or pity, he don't give a shit as long as they could keep the omegas be safe then that is what matters to him especially now that most of their enemies will make a way to use anyone close to them to hurt them. He can't afford the omega getting hurt because of them especially if its Jimin.

Both omegas are still in his mansion whereas Jin already went back to his apartment who was suprisingly just beside Jimin's ones when he allowed Namjoon to drive him back home.

"Come in," he exclaimed, upon hearing three small knocks outside his office. He thought it was just either Jungkook or Namjoon or probably Doona but was surprised when Jimin was the one who showed up by the door.

"H-Hey," greets Jimin, shyly.

"Hi, is something the matter?"

"Uhm, I-I just want to give you this as thanks for keeping me and Tae safe. I know it was troublesome for all of you here to have two omegas in heat that day, y'know." he replied, walking near Yoongi's table, pushing a medium sized transparent box, revealing a couple of pretty tangerine tarts. Yoongi smiled.

"Thank you," he replied, accepting the treat from his omega, "But you don't really have to. T'was my responsibility, our responsibility, to keep you safe so don't feel like you are in debt."

"Still. ." Jimin pouts, playing with his clothes hem, a blush creeping to his cheeks, ". .I want to repay you for your kindness."

Yoongi can't help but smile to his omega's persistence to thank him. He leaned to his seat and looks at Jimin, like he is the most beautiful art the gods and goddesses have gifted the mortals which earned for Jimin to shyly return his gaze. They stare at each other like there's no one that can stop them, like they won't go tired of doing it until the very end of their breath when Yoongi was suddenly reminded of how powerful Jimin's charm to him. He breaks off their stare and clears his throat. A smirk playing his lips.

The tangerine tart given to him reminds him of his omega's scent. Sure, the tart will taste good, no doubt about it but he wants something more, something much sweeter than those tarts.


He smiled sweetly at Jimin, feeling warm upon hearing the honorifics coming from his omega, it wasn't like the usual ones he hears from the people that are close to him.

"But if you're really persistent in thanking me, will you give me something I from you want in return?"

"U-Uh, sure?"

Yoongi nervously stood infront of him and leans over, just enough to give the omega a shiver when he whispered what he wants, earning a gulp from Jimin.

". .But only if you want to of course."

Jimin's cheeks and ears burned red in embarassment but Yoongi's request was of something he is curious too for a long time now so he leans over him, carefully placing his soft, plump lips to Yoongi's.

"Jiminnie." Yoongi teases, leaning his forehead over Jimin's with an arm snaked over the omega's slim waist.

"Yes, my husband?" he replied, smirking.

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