Chapter 27

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When Yoongi said Taehyung could come along, he really mean it. Now, the younger is sitting infront of the alpha and his bestfriend is still asleep on Yoongi's lap comfortably. Is Taehyung jealous of Jimin having an alpha to take care of him especially when he is in heat? Yes, but he is happy too at the same time.

"Jungkook will be accompanying you from here and drive you to my house once you're done. If there's anything you might need, tell Jungkook so he can also let me know."

Taehyung could only nod in response. Yoongi is really straightforward. He gets his point across and that's the end of the conversation. When he went out of the car, he was utterly surprise to see Jungkook standing infront of the building with his own men with him. Suits really suit fine men, he thought. But what was the man he hooked up with a few weeks ago doing here? He isn't the Jungkook Yoongi just told him about, right?

"Taehyung, right?"

If he could just pass out without getting embarass after, he would, but he didn't. So here he is, choking his shyness or it could lead to an misunderstanding with the alpha infront of him. Good thing he cross-dressed the night they met that the man infront of him doesn't recognize him from before or so he thought. Of course, Jungkook had an eye for good things and Taehyung being one is hard for the alpha to forget and not to notice. Especially when one's scent is unique.

"You're Jungkook?" he replied, sounding like he couldn't believe that it is, indeed the alpha's name. Jungkook chuckled not only because how cute the question sounds coming from Taehyung but his facial expression makes the other wants to squeeze his cheeks. He sure shows signs of being an omega. So cute, so soft.

"Yes. Yes, I am."

Taehyung tried to act cool infront of the alpha after their mini conversation but is failing. He kept on looking at Jungkook and the other is also doing the same. There is tension between the two and the men behind them seems to noticed it.

Jungkook points the door at Moonbyul's office and decided to sat outside and wait for him to finish as Taehyung gets in, fidgeting. Of course, the alpha did not forget to throw the omega a thumbs up just to lighten his mood.

"Hi, Dr. Moon!" he greets.

"Oh hi, Tae. It's good to see you! How are you feeling today?"

"To be honest, I'm nervous. Why do you want to see me?"

"Oh about that. ." she hesitantly looks at him before pulling out a piece of paper from her drawer. The question made the omega gulped in fear. He suddenly remembered Jimin's words but is trying to deny the fact that it can become a reality. Afterall, he didn't let the alpha knot him when they did it inside the bar's cubicle or so he thought.

"Is Jimin with you?"

"Uh, no. Why?"

She sighed. Concern is obvious on her eyes. She walked up to Taehyung, holding the results on her hands and sat beside him.

"You're making me nervous, Dr. Moon." he says, but still manage to smile amidst the growing worry in his chest.

"Am I?" she carefully cupped his cheeks, "I'm sorry. It's just I'm worried for you, dear. I'm sure Jimin would to, but I'm kind of happy to at the same time."

"W-What do you mean? Am I dying?"

Moonbyul chuckled, "No, silly. What made you think that?"

"Because the way you acts seems like I'm dying and Jimin needs to know so he could prepare for my funeral."

"No, but I just need Jimin to be here with you because you guys act like siblings and he's like the older brother between you two."

Taehyung snorts.

"I see, but if I'm not dying then what?"

"You're having a baby, Tae. You're pregnant." and just like that, the tiger is out of the cage.

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