Chapter 8

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"W-Who are you?" was the first words that escaped Jimin's lips when he woke up the next day and saw Yoongi sitting on a chair with his legs positioned to a 4 while staring at him with his sharp, cat-like eyes.

His head is spinning and felt his body has been hit by a fast truck. He felt like laying down again and sleep but he can't, especially when he is at a strangers house and remembers last night event.

Oh shit! I was sold at an auction against my will! he screamed in his head.

He was about to cry but remembers that he must find a way to get himself out of the stranger's place first and stop his pheromones in emitting his omega scent. He is way too sure that the man infront of him is an alpha and he knows exactly what will happen if he finds out, or what if this man already knew of it and is just waiting to assault him now that he is awake?

"I'm not going to fuck you." says Yoongi, irritation is visible in his tone and face. He had seemed to read whatever the younger is thinking. He hates it when people around him thinks lowly of him.

A deep sigh was heard and Jimin bowed his head in guilt. But what can he do? He felt hopeless at that moment.

"I'll be straight to the point for I have meetings that I can't cancel just to watch you be a cry baby or a brat. You were sold at the auction last night, yes? And I was the one who bought you. I will not ask you to pay me in return using sex or whatever. I want you to marry me."

". . Marry me."

If Jimin was scared earlier, now he was dumfounded. What did he just say?

Marriage is a big deal and the man infront of him said it like he was offering a candy to him.

"Are you serious?" he yells, eyes wide like his eyeballs are going to pop out in any second.

"I'll give you ten days to decide. One day to backout and to possibly kill you for making me loose my money for nothing and for me to have one more day to find a replacement."

Jimin's mouth hang open. He don't know if the other is being serious but by the way how his voice sounds firm that matches his stone cold expression, he knew the man isn't joking around.

To him, there seems to be an important and urgent matter for Yoongi to ask him to marry him.

"Are you really going to kill me if. . if I decline your offer?"

"I don't do threats."

Jimin gulped. He stared at Yoongi whilst the other did the same but is getting lost with his siren eyes.

"I. . well, did you do something to me yet?" he asks, almost whispering as his hands grabbed the sheets tightly.

"No. If it's just sex I want, I can have that anytime with anyone to warm my bed. I bought you to marry me so I can keep my power and influence."

Yoongi sigh and stood from his seat.

"Ten days. I'll give you ten days to decide wisely, birdie."

With that, Yoongi left.

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