Chapter 36

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"Birdie, what do you think you're doing?" Yoongi asks when he felt Jimin peeling himself away from his hold.

It wasn't that long ago when they started sleeping together -- literally, upon Doona's request. She doesn't see anything wrong for the two to share a bed together since they are basically married to each other. She even advised them to spend more time together whether one of them is busy or not to strengthen their bond. At first, Yoongi scoffed with Doona's suggestion. He knows his mother is up to something. Probably expecting them already to have a pup to which kind of warms Yoongi's chest but he isn't sure if the omega feels the same way. He doesn't want to push him. He wants Jimin to give consent in his own free will as a college omega who still have a lot of beautiful things to live ahead of him.

Yoongi is in no doubt a deep sleeper and everyone including Namjoon and Jungkook knows about that, but from the time he started sleeping with Jimin, oh that changed everything. He suddenly became a combinatiom of deep and light sleeper. There's no doubt Yoongi slumbers well more with Jimin in his arms but if the omega turns even a little in his sleep, his sense are heightened and he immediately tighten his arms around his omega to not get away from his hold.

"I'll just be quick, hyung." he replied, softly, as he fixes his hair infront of the mirror. Jimin is indeed still sleepy but he received an alarming message from Jin and he does not want to bother Yoongi from his sleep. The man just had his sleep two hours ago after coming home from his exhausting work. He just wants Yoongi to rest well.

"Jiminnie. ." Yoongi groans, cat-like eyes glaring at him with a pout in his lips. Jimin chuckled at the back of his head. If only his husband is a cat, he is surely be hissing too right now but how could he be scared of him? He's too damn cute in his eyes. Sometimes he wonders why Taehyung sees Yoongi as someone else's.

He steps out of their bedroom to call Jin. It didn't even took a second for the other to answer his call. It seemed really urgent for him to answer this fast and that thought alone concerns Jimin. The only reason he got up from his sleep is because Jin sent him a blank message and that is so unlikely of him.

"Hyung? Are you okay?"

"C-Chim! I-I need. ." Jin's voice alarmed Jimin. His voice seemed ragged but he could hear a faint sound of booming music at the background. Jin must be at work, he thought. What could possibly happen for the older to sound like this?

"Give me a second, hyung. I'll book a cab to fetch you," he walked down the stairs frantically without realising his distress scent reached up to Yoongi so obviously, being the protective alpha he is to his omega, got up from the bed and immediately rang Namjoon to get them.

"Hyung? What are you doing? You should be sleeping right now," asks Jimin, surprised that the alpha was now just right behind him.

"I could be asking the same question to you too but here I am."

Yoongi pulled Jimin and they both silently got inside the car.

"Where to?" asks Namjoon, surprised that Jimin will be going with them.

"To Jin's work." and that is all it takes for Namjoon to hear before speeding up the car going to Jin's.

"What's going on?" Jimin muttered upon seeing a lot of people outside Jin's work. It honestly scares him for Jin's safety and Yoongi's first reaction was to caged him in his hug and released a calming scent for his omega.

"Hyung, I wanna go too," he mumbles.

"No, it's too dangerous. Jin's gonna be okay, yeah? Namjoon won't let anything happen to your friend."

Namjoon made his way inside the bar despite of being squeezed by a group of bystanders outside, trying to catch a glimpse of the commotion going on.

He was greeted by a hint of rose and coconut scent that made his ears perks up and noticed that he wasn't the only one being affected but also the alpha and a few betas in there. His eyes immediately lands at the corner being protected by the bar's manager, Taemin.

He was being surrounded by alphas. You see, Taemin is an alpha himself but since he's already mated to a beta, omega's scent doesn't affects him much unlike unmated ones.


Namjoon without a second, walks up to Taemin with a lot of question and worry in his head.

First, what does an omega going in here in his bar? Second, he hasn't seen Jin yet and this could only mean two things. Either he is helping Taemin to protect whoever the manager is protecting or Jin is the one being protected. Fuck.

"Stay away!" Taemin warns, when he tried to step forward. He can sense the worry and nervousness of Taemin.

Taemin was determined to protect the omega that is behind that door despite having a lot of other alpha surrounding them. He can see how the manager is ready to turn down whoever tries to touch the omega. He growls at them.

"Fuck, just show us the omega and we can all go in peace," says one, luring Taemin.

"Taemin, where is Jin?" asks Namjoon, calmly as he tries to remain rational despite the tickling scent in his nose.

His goal is to get Jin first and then help whoever the omega is.

Taemin didn't respond, instead he looks at him meaningfully which puzzled him.

"N-Namjoon?" they all heard from the other side of the door before a strong gush of slick dances in the air, making all unmated inside the bar goes wild.

"Hold on just a little longer for me, baby. Your alpha is just gonna teach these bastards the real meaning of greediness." says Namjoon, before red flashes in his eyes with a smirk playing on his lips.

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