Chapter 19

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"Thank you for the ride, Mr. Min." he bows to Yoongi once he's outside of the alpha's car and infront of his apartment.

The honorifics made Yoongi cringe.

"What did we just talk about earlier in the car? That's not how you should address me, right?"

This made Jimin gulped. A blush starts to creep on his cheeks and this made Yoongi smile internally. Oh, how does a beta looks this gorgeous even at night with only the lamp posts and car lights illuminating his face? It was surreal.

Sure, Yoongi had a lot of encounters with other alphas and betas and some had been female omegas but nothing could compare to the beauty of Jimin. He does not know if the younger is aware but he, as much as possible avoids having eye contact with him as he feels he is getting suck more into the realm that Jimin holds and he might have a hard time getting himself out if he does.

Jimin finally had the courage and cleared his throat that got Yoongi's attention.

"Thank you for the ride, my husband." he says, smiling sweetly to the alpha.

Yoongi smiled in return that made the omega surprised. Probably because it is rare for an alpha to be seen smiling to another rank other than themselves but if Jimin only knew that he is also. . . he would surely faint.

And the thought made Yoongi wonder and shiver. This is the first time for many years that had passed that he smiled - genuinely.

Jimin is something. He is sure of that.

And for Yoongi, this is somewhat scary.

He was about to say goodbye when a sudden figure showed up and gave Jimin a hug that surprised the younger.

"Tae! I told you countless times not to do that!" he scolds but the latter just laughed, "You're gonna give me a heart attack I swear to all the beings!"

"Well, I'm starving to death and there's no food to eat and I'd been waiting for you for ages only to see you standing infront of this expensive car doing nothing but to be a statue. . .Wait, hold on! Who's this hot shot you got, Chim? What the hell! You're already married for pete's sake!"

Yoongi could feel his cheeks burning by the way Taehyung addressed him but for Jimin, he wants to strangle his bestfriend so bad that he can feel himself wanting to melt to a puddle.

But Taehyung didn't flinch. Instead he kept on staring at Yoongi and back at Jimin simultaneously.

"So? Care to explain before I die due to starvation?"

"Ugh, Tae! Stop being dramatic! And don't you call my husband a hot shot!" says Jimin, pouting.

Taehyung's ears perked up.

"Oohh, is that jealousy I smell? Sound like it." replied Taehyung, before realizing what his soulmate had just blurted. His eyes widened in horror.

"So he is Mr. Min? Oh my fucking bananas!" he immediately get himself in from the open window and shook Yoongi's hands which made the alpha uncomfortable due to the sudden action but because he wants to make a good impression, he endured it.

"My soulmate is so lucky to have you! You know, a lot of students tries to get into his pants but wasn't able to, that he made me worry that he might die alone and virgin! Thank you for coming to his life! Do you want to eat dinner with us?"

Yoongi and Jimin's jaw dropped of how bold Taehyung words are.

Jimin wants to yeet his bestfriend out for exposing him like that infront of the alpha but for Yoongi, he took it as a compliment. Of course, he was well aware how gorgeous Jimin is by remembering that moment from the cafè but it also made him uncomfortable to know that a lot wants to get into his pants. It drives him mad.

But to also know that his husband is still a untouch make him happy but worried. Worried that his enemy might use Jimin to take him down the throne. Maybe that is the reason why he has doubts in introducing him to the members.

He is afraid and also not ready how Jimin will react once he finds out about his nature of work but he knows, Jimin won't be able to get himself away from him for too long. Afterall, they're married and he won't let his husband leave him. He wants Jimin to be on his side but he won't let the younger know. Not when he is not yet sure of his growing feelings to him.

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