Chapter 2

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"Anything I can get for you, gentlemans?" asks the bartender who just finished handing over a drink to another customer, "The usuals?"

"Yes, please, Jin hyung." replied Namjoon, showing his smile with a dimple as a bonus to his favourite bartender he has ever met.

Jin nods and do what he has to do. Afterall, he is a bartender and a Beta who has no plans in making any possible connections to an Alpha. It's not like he hates Alphas, it is just that the three Alpha who happens to be a patron of the bar he is working at are also part of an underground organization. He is not just aware yet of their positions but prefer not to know for he wants to keep his peaceful life.

He is also aware that Namjoon has his eyes on him. How? It's simple. He's worldwide handsome as what he wants to call himself with broad shoulders and if having a lot of patron asking for him not only Namjoon isn't obvious, he wouldn't immediately know how similar his eyes are to those who admire him.

"Neat." says Jin, pushing a glass of brandy to Jungkook.

"On the rocks." pushing another glass of whiskey to Yoongi.

"Classic Gin." pushing the last glass which also happens to be a pink cocktail gin with strawberries on top to Namjoon.

Before he or Namjoon could say anything, he excuse himself and went to the backdoor.

"Really? Still Classic Gin ?" teases Jungkook. Of course they knew Namjoon having a big fat crush on the bartender and how the man switches his love of beer to cocktails only because he founds it cute that Gin sounds like Jin who he badly wants to take a shot of, a taste but can't because he respects the Beta so bad that he will endure drinking a beverage he is by far, thinks resembles the other. Pink. He loves pink. Also strawberries. And he feels special to know that this is Jin's favourite drink that no other patron knows, only he.

"Cheers!" they cling the sides of their glasses together before chugging on their drinks.

"Thirteen days." says Yoongi, finally breaking in the silence.

He was quiet since Mr. Yun's appearance earlier in the mansion so the other two was relieved that he finally spoke. They know how responsible Yoongi is as a leader and an Alpha. No one dares to contradict him. He is better than the previous leaders and no one can deny that he is a powerful and influential man. He is a man of greed and possession. He gets what he wants and keeps it, not wanting anyone to take it from him and now that his position is being threatened, he is not going to let anyone take what is his and had always been his. The king will remain a king. So if he has to marry whoever, he will, just to keep everything under his hold.

"So what do you want us to do?"

"I want someone outside the organization. Someone that can't be use against me."

Jungkook and Namjoon nodded.

You see, you might be thinking why Yoongi is not even threated to the other two alphas he is with and the reason being is because he sees and treats them like his brothers. Growing up as an only child and seeing the adopted servants of the Min's family, never he had thought of these two as just a piece of trash as how some other household of previous family members sees servants. He is lucky that Doona, her mother, was able to taught him how to treat others well even when he is an alpha that was trained to be cold and greedy.

But of course, he is not entirely good as much as you want to believe yourself.

Jungkook whistles and they automatically turn their heads to the group of females that entered the bar.

"I say, the one wearing a red dress is a ten and she is mine." snickers Jungkook, finishing his drink as he stood.

"Good, 'coz I'll be having the remaining four. Sorry, Joon." says Yoongi, well not really sorry though.

Namjoon smiles and just shook his head, "Alright. Have fun, I guess?"

He watched Jungkook walked towards the girl he said is his, while Yoongi waited for the four girls to pass by and gave them a knowing look so here he is, alone at the counter waiting for Jin to come back and have a small talk with him to keep him company.

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