Chapter 10

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The days passed by quickly and everything seems normal or maybe that is at least what Jimin had been trying to say to himself. He didn't find anything weird to anyone or to something after his talk with Yoongi.

Now, he is having doubts if everything that had happened are all true or if he was just high of some sort. How can he be high? He is not sure, but it seems weird to him that he hasn't heard anything yet from Yoongi or him suddenly showing up infront of their apartment, so how will the older know if he agrees or not to his request of marrying him?

But then again, he remembered that Yoongi is a rich man - a deadly rich man. He might have already know by now that he is still in college. Right! He must have backout now knowing that he is still a kid, a child that has a tuition to be paid.

Right now, he is walking back to their apartment with a box of cake in hand.

Today is Jin's birthday. He decided, as always, to celebrate it with them. Jin treats them like his siblings. This is probably because all three of them are only child not just because they are omegas. If you don't know them personally, you will think Taehyung and Jin are alphas and Jimin, well, tries to act like a beta but slips happens which makes him an omega.

"I'm back!" shouts Jimin as he entered their apartment that has now been decorated by Taehyung of a birthday theme.

"And I'm here!" says Jin behind him holding a pot of food that he himself cook for his birthday.

"Wow! You're pretty, hyung!" Jimin and Taehyung complimented in unison.

Jin chuckled and placed the pot of food at the table with the rest of others that he had put a little while ago. Let's just say he had preen himself before bringing the last food before the party officially starts.

The three dolled up like they are going to a bar or somewhere their presence is needed and yep, they will be but that will be a little later when they are already hype enough to do so.

Jin curled his hair and wore an ombre sweater: yellow orange and cream white, paired with a light yellow pants and cream colored shoes as he accessorise himself a couple of normal and shell necklaces.

As for Taehyung, he wore a classic white shirt tucked in a light blue jeans that he paired with rubber shoes and a yellow cardigan with a few flower patterns in it.

While Jimin, he wore an overall light yellow cardigan paired with light blue jeans and rubber shoes. He also made sure that he is wearing his earrings.

And yes, their theme for this year is yellow, if that wasn't a little too obvious with their outfits.

Meanwhile, the trio: Yoongi, Jungkook and Namjoon, is yet again at the bar where Jin works. They are a patron because of Jin but for tonight, sadly, Jin isn't the one serving their drinks.

"Where is Jin?" inquired Namjoon.

"He's on leave."

"I thought that doesn't exists here as he seems to be present all the time." says Jungkook. Of course, he knows it more since he is always around this bar more often than the two especially after the cubicle incident with Taehyung that has not leave his mind since then.

Namjoon chugged down his beer as Yoongi finishes his whiskey and brandy for Jungkook. It seems that the three of them isn't in the mood to stay at the bar tonight. Their favorite bartender is not there. Even though they just had been here for almost a year, they easily became a patron. For some reason they stop switching bars after knowing Jin.

The moment they stepped out of the bar, they quickly turned their heads on the other side of the highway when they heard a loud, knowing sound - a fast, driving motorcyle, and screams of happiness and anxiety paired with an upbeat Katy Perry song entitled Teenage Dreams.

A combination of pink, black and white motorcycle is going directly their way that is being followed by a police car, that has its siren on with an officer yelling on his megaphone.

"Stop the damn motorcyle or you three will end up in jail once we get ahold of you! I said, stop the damn motorcyle!"

Instead of being afraid, this hypes Jin more and did a zigzag on the road while Taehyung sings along with the song as he waves the helmet in his hand in the air and Jimin? Well, he can't stop screaming while holding on to his dear hyung who doesn't seem to be bothered with all the noise around him. This includes the cheering of random people on the sidewalk who watches them.

Namjoon, Yoongi and Jungkook stood in shock as it seems like the whole scene slow-mo but flashes before their eyes.

Namjoon was in awe to know Jin is a daredevil. He surely have to experience riding with Jin -- in a motorcyle, of course.

Yoongi can't seem to stop himself from smiling to see how afraid Jimin was. He has to take mental notes of doing it with him so Jimin will hold on to him like his life depends on him. Welp! Hold on. What did he just thought of doing?

And Jungkook? He was in complete surprise to see the boy that has been in his head for awhile now, singing without a care in the world and to think that he is friends with Jimin and Jin is surely a jackpot for him.

It took a good three minutes before they got out of their daze and Yoongi was the first one to fished his phone out and rang somebody on the line.

"Good. Let them have their fun," says Yoongi before hanging up.

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