Chapter 45

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"Fuck! Are you trying to kills us?" Hoseok angrily exclaimed when he and Jimin almost stumble down on the car seat.

The car seemed to had bumped on another car after a few minutes of fast driving with a lot of zigzags on the road from here and there. It honestly made them dizzy, especially Jimin as he is being assaulted and trying to escape from the alpha's hold.

"Are you alright, omega?" he asks despite the fact that he was assaulting Jimin minutes ago before they got crashed. Of course, the omega wasn't able to answer him right away. He was in complete shock. The man who was laying his hands on him had suddenly showed care towards him. Who wouldn't, right?

He shakily wiped the tears that had alnost dried up on his cheeks when the door from where they at suddenly flung open. His eyes widened in horror when he saw his alpha's angry, red eyes. Min Yoongi, stood infront of them looking like he is going to kill both of them. He tried opening his mouth to defend himself especially on what he and Hoseok position looks like but no words are coming out. He just laid there frozen and scared to his alpha even when he knew that he didn't agreed on any of Hoseok's advances and he wonders if Yoongi would even listen to him. He's an alpha. Alphas has pride higher than anyone else and more so to a lowly omega like him, he doubt he would listen.

"Oh won't you look at that--! Fuck!" Hoseok hissed when Yoongi pulled him away from Jimin and out of the car with one hand, only to slam him on the car's back compartment.

It took awhile for Jimin to understand what was happening but when he decided to stop Yoongi from hurting the alpha even after what Hoseok did to him, a pair of arms stopped him. He turned around and saw Namjoon, jaw clenching as he shakes his head to Jimin.

"Just let him be. The king won't be able to sleep tight at night if he will not teach him a lesson not to touch his Queen."

Before he could even ask or say anything to what Namjoon had said, he heard Jin calling him behind Namjoon's back and greeted him with his infamous bear hug, skillfully dragging him away from the scene where Yoongi is beating Hoseok.

"Hyung!" Jimin pouts as he tries not to engulf too much of Jin's scent but it did calmed him down a bit anf for that, he us thankful. Somehow, Namjoon and Jin acted like parents that had just gotten their child from a bad situation (which really is) and was able to get just in them to save them.

"Screw that Alpha! You almost smell like him. Good thing, Yoongi is fast to track your whereabouts and we were just nearby when he called Namjoon to assist."

"Hyung!" he no longer hesitate to hug Jin as tight as he could as he cries on his chest, "I. .I was so scared! I thought I'll be mated to another alpha other than Yoongi hyung!. . And. . he saw us! He is mad at me now! He probably is thinking by now of leaving me and divorcing me after what he saw but hyung!. . I. . I didn't agreed to any of it! Believe me."

"Hey, I'm sure Yoongi didn't think of any of that when he saw you two. He knows what is happening and that is why he is mad at Hoseok and not at you, Chim." says Jin as he comforts Jimin who keeps on crying. A lot of things is running on his mind right now and the one that bothers him deeply is Yoongi cutting ties with him after everything they went through even though it hasn't been a year since he'd been with him because for Jimin it seems to have been years. He can't imagine a life without his alpha. There's only one alpha that treated him not to impress but to accept and love himself fully and he is sure, the kind of alpha like Yoongi is hard to find.

Jimin slowly turned his head to the side when he felt Jin slowly detaching himself away from him, like it was a signal that someone is standing and waiting for them to get off each other's hold.

He shakingly played with his fingers as he tries not to meet Yoongi's eyes that were already on him.

"H-Hyung. ."

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