Chapter 15

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Doona took a sip of her Pumpkin Spice as she eyed Yoongi beside her whose busy tapping on his phone on the round table where the four of them decides to sat, situated at the second floor of the cafè.

Unlike other cafè's they'd been to, this cafè, even though a lot of customers gets in and out, it is surprisingly not crowded. Voices of customers that talks to one another isn't as noisy as it is compare to others out there and maybe having afternoon tea isn't a bad idea after all.

The entrance door chimes open, indicating a new customer went in and some of the customers took a glance to the newcomers and some squeaked in glee. The said action made Jungkook, Namjoon and Doona took a peak except Yoongi who seems drawn to whatever he is doing in his phone.

Jungkook and Namjoon's eyes almost popped out of its socket after seeing the person they want to see badly standing infront of the cashier, happily talking to the staff whereas Doona can't stop staring at Jimin, that is sitting infront of the piano, thinking to herself how funny it is that she sees Jimin's face similar to her son. She suddenly remembers an old saying she used to hear from the elders that romantic soulmates look-alike because lovers are a piece of art that was broken in half and meant to find each other again and now that she saw Jimin, she is not sure if it's true or not, or maybe it is just her eyes playing tricks on her. Who knows?

"Oh my gosh! Isn't that Park Jimin from the Contemporary Dance Department? Omo! He's so cute!"

"Yeah! He's also with the Theatre Major Kim Taehyung! Aren't we very lucky today?"

"And who's that handsome guy with the wide shoulders? Do you think he is single?"

Doona was quick to notice the irritation on Namjoon and Jungkook accompanied with a loud, deep sighed from his son. She looked at them dumbfounded.

"You guys alright?"

She wasn't able to hear them answer her when a sound of piano playing fills the cafè and who else could be playing it other than Jimin himself followed by the sound of knuckles and palm tapping and beat box from Jin and Taehyung.

The staff just let the three do their thing. It wasn't the first time they did this kind of stunt and why would they stop them when all of them have good, angelic voices? It benefits the cafè as it drives a lot more customers for a few days thinking that they are regular performers at the said cafè.

Be the lover, I'll be the fighter baby
If I'm the blunt, you could be the lighter babe
Fire it up
Writer baby, you could be the quote
If I'm the lyric baby, you could be the note, record that
Saint I'm a sinner, prize I'm a winner and it's you
What did I do to deserve that
Paper baby, I'll be the pen
Say that I'm the one, cause you are a ten

As soon as their mini concert that consists of one song only ended, customers that were inside and outside the cafè gave them an applause, but for Yoongi Jimin's voice rose above that he forgot he shouldn't be recording as it is not in his nature but alas, he already did and Doona saw it that made her smile.

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