Chapter 39

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"Birdie, hey. Calm down. You said Taehyung's father is a kind, loving man, ain't he?" says Yoongi, trying to calm his omega who keeps on rolling back and forth on their bed while sat infront of him, trying to focus on the book he is reading and not on Jimin's butt cheeks that's being squished due to his rolling.

"Yes, but. .!"

"Then do you want to be there, hmm?" he looks at him with sincerity and there's Jimin heartbeat again, doing flips while his stomach swirls, making its way to warm his cheeks.

"O-Only if you. . I mean, no! You don't have to." Jimin pouts and shyly ducks down his head. Yoongi chuckled.

He motioned his hands for Jimin to stand infront of him and when Jimin obliged, he wordlessly pulled him down, causing him to sat on Yoongi's lap with a yelp.

"H-Hyung! What are you doing?" he exclaimed, cheeks are redder than earlier.

"Making you sit on your seat." Yoongi replied, smirking.

"W-What. .? Hyung! These are your lap I'm sitting on right now!"

Jimin tried averting his eyes but there's something with Yoongi today that Jimin couldn't even grasps on. He feels intoxicated and seduced with the alpha's eyes and he is not even on his heat anymore but there's something about him today that makes him cower submissively and not in fear.

"Oh yeah, you're right. Allow me to rephrase it. Jiminnie's favorite seat." he whispers into his ear, making him shiver and almost melt into the alpha's warmth.

"What's wrong with you today, hyung? You. . You're too flirty." Jimin giggled amidst his shyness of the situation.

"And?" he looks at Jimin's inviting eyes down to his plump, pouty lips and back to his eyes again. He gulped and realizes how lucky he was in having him just inches away from him and how it fucking hurts not to have him as his mate even though they are married. Yoongi tries to be rational even when they are a lot of days that he has a lot of unholy thoughts of the omega especially when they are this close to each other.

He never thought of falling for the omega for a short span of time. He never really thought that it's possible but here he is, and he is not even sure if the omega feels the same way especially when the omega haven't really know him as much as he knows Jimin. And he wonders and also fears that day to come, that Jimin will know that other side of him and that he will leave him because he will only cause the younger more harm instead of good.

"Hyung?" asks Jimin, worried as he looks at his alpha's eyes. There's a lot of emotion going on in there and it alarms him that he is being unuseful to him.

"Can you kiss me, birdie? But only if you want to, of course. I-I don't want to force you to anything, I just. ." the alpha rumbles as he tightens his arms around Jimin's waist, scared that he might get away but the omega was quick to wash all his worries away.

"What happened, hyung? Why did you suddenly acted like I'll be taken away from you?" Jimin asks, giggling a little as he caress Yoongi's cheeks. He looks into his eyes but the alpha shyly averts his gaze. The omega wasn't offended. In fact, he feels warm to feel the alpha acting so small in his arms when it is Yoongi that he is sitting on. Jimin should be the one feeling small, not the other way around but he guesses it's because it is Yoongi. The alpha that isn't like other alphas.

But even if Yoongi isn't what he thinks he is with other people, may it be him being brutal to others or much badder than he can think of, for Jimin, he will be the kindest, softest and warmest alpha he can get to himself and for that, he is thankful for being next to him.

"I just can't still believe that I am married to a male omega and that you're infront of me. I just. . wow."

Jimin chuckled. Being with Yoongi means learning how his rank is to be cherish and not be seen as an insult. Omegas are rare, yes but there is more too that than just being an offspring machine. Doona really raised Yoongi well, he thought.

"Stop that! You're acting like I'm some type of omega that needs to be worship."

"Yes, indeed! I'll even make a statue by myself and have it on my room and every corner of my house if you allow me."

"Hyung!" Jimin got shy of Yoongi's idea just by imagining it because it is something the alpha he is certain he will do to show his admiration.

"But. ."


"You're an omega that not just any Alpha can own. Even I, is not an exemption."

"What do you mean, hyung?"

"It means, even if I worship you, have all those statue around me, it couldn't be the closest thing than to have you but couldn't because you're more than just you, birdie. You're more than just an omega. You are you, Jiminnie."

Jimin could no longer stop himself from crying. Yoongi just say things that he didn't know his heart longs to hear. The alpha almost forgot that he is trying to comfort the younger when the omega's lips crashes to his. Making him forget everything that he just said to him. Making him only think of Jimin and how much it will hurt him to loose him.

"You know, I was thinking that maybe you're just the way you are right now because you're in your pre-rut, just so you could mark me," Jimin jokes, surprising Yoongi.

"Excuse me?" the alpha looks offended but Jimin was quick to change his mood.

"'Coz I would let you if you really were," he said, before detaching himself from Yoongi to ran out of their bedroom when he saw how the alpha's eyes flashes red.

Doona chuckled to herself as she walks away outside the couple's room after thankfully not being seen by the two.

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