Chapter 9

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"Park Jimin! Where the hell have you been all night? We were absolutely worried of you!" scolds Jin, the moment Jimin entered their apartment and saw Taehyung sobbing on Jin's chest.

Taehyung wailed and detached himself from Jin and ran towards Jimin to engulfed him in a big, strong hug.

"I-I'm sorry. . I actually don't know how to tell you this but. ." says Jimin and he began telling the two what happened to him last night to which the two listened carefully to him.

Now, you might be wondering why the bartender is at Jimin and Taehyung's apartment? Well, for starters, Jin is their landlord and neighbor too, at the second floor of their apartment building. Jin is not just an employee, he has his own business and that is the apartment itself for college students. It's a three-storey building filled with college students ranging from Beta to Omegas but none of his renters are allowed to discuss their level to one another for safety purposes as part of his apartment protocol.

"What the freak? Is that all fucking true?"

Jimin nodded.

"What was the name of the man that bought you? We have to tell it to the police to protect you from any harm against that man! He's dangerous!"

"I don't think that is a good idea, hyung. If he spent 13 Billion just for me to marry him and to kill me if I do not want to cooperate with him then he must be really rich that he can pay the police to pretend I didn't exist in the first place or something," says Jimin with a grunt.

"But come to think of it, Chim! He must be in dire need of a wife or husband or whatever he needs for him to ask you that without any in return especially that he didn't take advantage of you the night before when he has the chance to!" says Taehyung enthusiastically.

Jin looks at Taehyung with disbelief who seem not to see the heaviness of the situation.

"Are you crazy? What if it's a bait for Jimin to bite? Then what? Have you forgotten you both are an omega."

"Might say the same thing to you too, hyung because there you are working at at a bar with a lot of horny alphas and betas, yes?" snickered Taehyung.

Surprise, surprise! Jin isn't a Beta after all as what we had initially thought.

The reply from the younger started a mad staring contest between Jin and Taehyung and Jimin knows he has to stop it before it escalates to something else.

"Alright, stop! You two, stop it. I still have ten days to decide. He gave me ten days, okay? He said to choose wisely but of course I already know what he meant by that. I know. We all know," says Jimin with a huff.

The three sighed in unison.

"Wait, Chim," says Jin before sniffing the air, "The suppresant had completely came off. Quick, take a bath before your scent lingers the whole apartment. I'll cook so you can pop another suppresant to hide your scent."

Jimin nods and went to the bathroom as ordered. He took off the clothes that Yoongi gave him but boy, he couldn't take him off his mind.

He wonders if the alpha is telling him the truth, that he only wants them to get married to keep his power and reputation just like he said and nothing else. But, a part of him is sad to hear from the man himself that he will do the deed with someone else's.

Isn't getting married like knotting? Shouldn't the alpha be doing the deed only with his omega?

He sighed. Well, he doesn't know and he can't blame him. Guess, he has to pretend that he is really a beta, huh?

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