Chapter 3

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Jimin had just finished playing Call of Duty on his computer when the door of the small apartment swung open.

"Tae! How many times do I have to tell you to knock first before swinging the door open for your dramatic entrance?!" he scolds before removing his headphones to eye his bestfriend who looks fucked walking toward their shared bed.

"Hey, guess what I just did."

Uh-oh. That doesn't sound right, he thought. The phrase wasn't even a question to begin with and knowing Taehyung since their fetus days, he knows exactly how Taehyung's choices are questionable are at times especially when he is drunk. Not leaving the fact that his bestfriend cross dressed again.

"The fuck did you do?" he asks in panic but still helps Taehyung sit beside him and gave him a water bottle to drink.

He reeks of alcohol but he knows Taehyung isn't drunk, just tipsy.

"Fuck," he replied, giggling.

Jimin first thought was he was just cursing, playing around with his answer but when Taehyung repeated the same word and act something on his hands, his face went pail.

"Are you fucking crazy, you stupid bitch? Why the hell would you do that? You told me you're just gonna go window shop with some of your friends and not get fuck with a. . an. . what the hell?! Who and where were you fuck?!"

Taehyung giggles as he tries to remember what had exactly happened at the bar with the alpha he shared a cubicle with at the bar.

"He called me pretty." he replied, cupping Jimin's cheeks, "He said I am the prettiest he had seen tonight."

"And you fucking believed him? Did he fuck you after telling those?"

Taehyung nods.

"Ah, fuck my life! You dumb fucking bitch!" he ran his fingers onto his hair in distress as he looks at his bestfriend's tipsy state. He heaved a sigh.

There's nothing he could do now. His bestfriend just lost his first to a stranger to which he had repeatedly been reminding him to be careful of. It's not like they're normal college students.

To be clear, Jimin is not jealous. He is a protective bestfriend who sees Taehyung as his sibling. He allows him to do what he wants because they are two different individuals living in the same dorm but fuck, did Taehyung just forgot that he is an omega? A male omega on top of that, which is exactly why he keeps on reminding the other to be careful since a lot of people sees male omegas as a trophy thing than normal female omegas. They are rare for pete's sake. They are the real offspring machines. Their kind is the lowest of the hierarchy and that is why they have to be careful for anyone not to know what they truly are and take suppresants everyday.

What is he suppose to do if someone accidentally knots Taehyung?

He can't just take responsibility for it as much as he wants to, to protect the other from being called a slut or a whore because if the hospital runs a test to make sure the baby is his, then the truth will come out and it will spread like wildfire that like Taehyung, he is also a male omega and that harsh reality scares him. He does not want to be use just for offspring purposes. He wants to feel the love that he wasn't able to feel with his parents. He wants a family. A real one.

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