Chapter 44

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A week had passed since Jimin finally received Yoongi's knot and he couldn't be more happier. Just like Doona had envisioned and just like how the old saying says, it became a little hard to tell the couple apart as they almost looks exactly as each other. Like a broken art that was finally reunited.

"Alpha. ." Jimin whines as he latches himself on Yoongi. The alpha chuckled as he combs his locks with his fingers.

"You have classes, birdie. You can't miss school." he reminds him and Jimin's eyes went glassy. He wants to go school, yes, but the thought of being away from his alpha is a big and important matter to him. He wants to remain close to Yoongi and the older seemed not to understand.

"But.  "

"Jiminnie, baby, I'm doing my favorite hole of yours a favor. I don't want to abuse that as much as my dick desires because I don't want to see you limp on for days not unless you keep on pestering me but please don't blame it all on me after we bond. I'm just as weak as you are to your needings," he teases.

Jimin pouts as the alpha wipes his little tears away, smiling softly to him and showering him with pepper kisses.

The omega knows they have things to do separately and that it should normal for him to be alone but right now, if Jimin thinks about it, once he gets home he will be literally alone. Taehyung just gave birth to his and Jungkook's pup the other day at the hospital and Doona along with Bong carefully attends to him to help Jungkook as the alpha still works along with Yoongi and Namjoon. Yoongi gave Jungkook an off for him to tend to his omega but the couple decided to help his hyungs still to make the job easier.

"Okay," he mumbled with a pout.

Yoongi sighed.

"Jiminnie is so Yoongi's baby, yes?"

Jimin nods as the alpha quickly shut his mouth by kissing him, tongue swirling to one another, making the omega wants more than that. He broke off their kiss to display his neck to the alpha, adorned with his mark and a couple of love bites. He knows by now how Yoongi loves leaving evidences of him no longer being available to the others and he loves to show it off whenever he can.

"It's fine, alpha. My classes aren't until afternoon today," he cues and that is all Yoongi needs to hear before attending to both of their needings, earning a lot of moans and groans here and there.

Two hours later, Yoongi gets himself ready to meet Namjoon and Jungkook. He is pretty sure they know by now what caused him to be late not that one of them gives a fuck. They all know they had to prioritize their omega's needing before anything else's.

"See you later, Jiminnie. Alpha loves you," he whispers to his sleeping omega's ear before kissing his cheek and scenting him, making sure no one would dare to hit on his husband or they will never see the future ahead of them.

He instructed the maids to made sure Jimin will wake before his classes as he don't want him to be late for school. He just hopes the omega won't limp on his way to classes but the thought of Jimin doing that makes his dick twitch.

"Thought I'll be working by myself alone today," Jungkook snickers upon seeing Yoongi entering his office.

"Where's Namjoon?"

"Being fucked by his omega. Seems to me Jin hyung got tired of my brother being a gentleman and took matters in his own hands. Hyung seems to be wanting my brother's mark for a long time now. You should have heard how they argued before shit happens. It's funny, really." they both chuckled.

"How's Taehyung?"

"Haven't sleep much since our pups keeps on pestering him," he sighed, "But, Tae loves the idea of them being clingy to him. Of course, they will. They need him but how about me? I couldn't even sneak a kiss because if I do, one of my twins will wake up and cry and the other will follow. And when that happens, Tae will make me stop them from crying."

Yoongi laughed seeing the frustration on Jungkook's face because of a silly problem and the younger scowled.

"Laugh now and let's see how hard it is gonna be for you when you can't kiss Jimin."

"Nah, trust me. Jimin's gonna be more whinny and needy once we have our pups. He'll be the one to think I'm the one neglecting him." Yoongi smirked by the thought of his omega asking for more attention from him and it makes his fick twitch again. Oh he can't wait for Jimin to get pregnant. He wonder if it is gonna be twins as well like Jungkook.

Jungkook cleared his throat.

"Anyway, when are you planning to introduce Jimin hyung to the members?"

"Tomorrow night. I need to let everyone know that he is married to me therefore I don't want any of them especially Jung Hoseok to make a move on him otherwise I'll have to take him and his possessions down. I don't fuck around when it comes to Jimin. That omega is gonna be the death of me."

Jungkook smirked with his hyung's possessiveness over Jimin and couldn't deny the fact that he shares the same thought when it comes to Taehyung.

He just hopes that it is enough for their enemies to know and keep their hand off with what is theirs however you could only hope really especially when a persuasive alpha like Hoseok is in the picture.

"I'm sorry but I can't. My husband didn't mention anything about you or anyone to be here today to accompany me home." Jimin kept on looking around to check if there's any of his husband men around to make sure the alpha infront of him isn't lying but alas, there's none.

"Like I said, this is part of his surprise that is why he didn't let you know beforehand. Please don't be scared. I won't do anything to harm my friend's husband." he smiled, offering his hand for Jimin to shake which the younger hesistantly took and when he did, he sure saw how the alpha smiled widely that it nearly terrified him before he could realise he is being pulled inside the car.

"So, it's true. Yoongi got lucky to have a rare omega in his possession." says Hoseok as he eyes down Jimin's beauty. He figured the said omega is much fine up close which proves his theory.

"What are you. .?" Jimin yelp when Hoseok's arm wrapped around his waist and before he could even push him away, the alpha was quick to cage him and kissed his lips hungrily, earning a moan which turns the alpha more. He can now smell the omega's citrusy, with a hint of flowers and honey scent and it makes him salivates. It terrified Jimin seeing how lustful his eyes are and he could only cry because Yoongi wasn't there to protect him. Hoseok is exactly the type of alpha he hates. An exact opposite of his mate.

"I knew you're gonna be the one to help me to put Yoongi down but I didn't expect that you could also be of another help, omega." he says, before red flashes into his eyes and attacking the unmark side of Jimin's neck.

"G-Get off me. . Please! Aah. . I. . Don't wanna. ." Jimin pleads with tears in his eyes as he tries to get away from Hoseok's hold. The alpha only laughed at him before connecting their lips again, making him weak to his touch.

"Say, can a rare omega be mated twice?"

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