Chapter 29

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"Jungkook, what happened with Taehyung? Did Moonbyul said something that offended him during his visit?" he sat infront of Namjoon and Jungkook when he reached the kitchen area.

"I don't know! He won't talk to me either! I swear he was kind of okay after you drop him off. We even had a conversation but after he left her office, he was anxious and no longer wants to talk to me like I did something bad to him!"

"Did you try to ask Moonbyul about it?"

"Of course, I have! I called her as soon as we got here but Moonbyul won't give me any answers! She said that I should ask the omega myself."

"It must be confidential then. Don't get yourself too work up about the matter."

"I'm not!"

"Yes, you are." Namjoon butts in.


"Yes, you do, Jungkook." added Yoongi.

"Alright, maybe I am!"

"See, we're right. But what makes you so work up for the omega? Is he your type? Don't know you swing that way too." his brother teases.

"Since when did I say I had a preference?" he asks, bewildered. Yes, he loves girls but after he met Taehyung that night at the bar, he had to re-evaluate his preference. It's not like he is attracted to any men he meets because it seemed like he is only attracted to Taehyung and maybe Jimin too. But of course the latter is already for his hyung.

While they are busy conversing, Taehyung, out of nowhere showed up infront of them looking pissed but is trying to calm himself down especially when he and Jungkook's eyes met.

"Do you have any fruits to eat?"

"Y-Yeah, what fruits do you want?" asks Jungkook.

Yoongi and Namjoon looks at each other as Jungkook got up from his seat to get fruits for Taehyung on the kitchen aisle.

"How many do you need? Is this enough? What do you want? Anything specific?"

Taehyung looks at the fruits basket and pouts sadly. The look alarmed Jungkook.

"No strawberries?" he asks, like a lost puppy.

"Here," says Yoongi handing a tray of fresh strawberries inside the fridge, "Anything else you guys need?"

He shook his head and thanked them before getting back upstairs to Jimin.

"He's a little weird, don't you think?"

"Weird looks good on him." defends Jungkook.

"I wonder if that's enough for both of them," murmurs Yoongi before calling one of the maids.

Meanwhile, Jimin keeps on eyeing at the door as he and Taehyung eats the fruits. Well, Jimin is the only one who eats the other couple of fruits that is in the basket as Taehyung happily munched on the strawberries that Yoongi gave.

He had already told Jimin how it went for him at his Doctor's visit. No, scratch that. Jimin found out even before he had told him. Omega's sensitivity during their heat is extremely scary because from the moment Taehyung got inside the room when he arrived, he knew something is up with him.

Luckily, Jimin's isn't as whinny as he was earlier but still, it could change anytime at any given moment especially now that he, in his first time since he was born felt a calming and comforting presence of an alpha which happens to be Yoongi.

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