Chapter 40

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"I'll go get it," says Taehyung, immediately excusing himself to order their food, leaving Jungkook with his father, Kim Bong.

"What do you think of my son, young man?" the alpha asks, eyeing Jungkook who seemed to forgot that he too shares the same rank as Taehyung's father.

Bong gives off a similar aura to Doona. Strict but there's kindness hiding behind their eyes but of course, Jungkook knows better. He knows he needs to make a good impression lasts to Taehyung's father if he wants to pursue him in the future. However he have to be careful as well of speaking to him. He wants to keep Taehyung's secret safe. He doesn't want him to be sad if his father becomes disappointed and disapproving of his son's pregnancy. He knows how Taehyung loves and respects his father.

"Well, Taehyung for me is. ." he looks at the omega that is currently talking at the cashier person at the counter and he couldn't keep his smile to himself, seeing how lovely and happy the omega is as he put a hand on his tummy to rub the pup inside his belly. He suddenly feels warm, ". . more than who he thinks he is to me."

"Is that why you immediately knot him?"

Jungkook blushed to Bong's remark. Even though he knows that the pup might not be his, it is still making him warm by the thought of it.

"S-Sir, I. . uh," how is he going to answer him? Sure, he can be a different person outside his job but he could be much more infront of his omega's father and it's not something to be proud of. He needs to impress him just like how he impresses the omega.

Taehyung turned his back towards the direction where the employees looks at and was horrified when he saw Jungkook kneeling on the floor, bowing to his father like he is apologizing.

"Kookie!" he calls out and ran to his aid.

"No, Tae." Jungkook warns as he stays from his position infront of Bong.

"Appa!" exclaimed Taehyung, pouting like a child to his favorite toy getting dirtied.

"I didn't asked him to do that, son. He did it on his own. I haven't even gotten to the part yet where I will be asking how you two met." his father snickers, obviously teasing the couple. He is not mad nor disappointed. In fact, he was kinda sad to think that his son is already a grown up and will be having his own family in the future but he is happy to see that the alpha who knotted his son is a good man, not that he didn't notice what kind of business Jungkook has. Some parents really do have keen observation when it comes to other people that is being introduced to them by their children. Probably that is their parents instinct kicking in. A way of masking their protectiveness towards their offspring.

Is he afraid of the danger his son might face? Yes, but he isn't one to judge nor to decide what is best for his son now that he is already an adult. The only thing he could provide to him still are his advices.

Taehyung sighed and pulled Jungkook up to get him to his seat and sat beside him, facing his father.

"Appa, you may not believe it but I am the irresponsible one here. You know how rebel I am at times, right?"

Bong nods. Jungkook just remained staring at Taehyung.

"Well, Chim did not lack with his advices and reminders on me but, yeah. Here we are." he continued with a nervous chuckle, pointing at the obvious bump on his stomach, "Me and Jungkook met at Jin hyung's work at the bar. You'd been there before, right?"

Bong nods again, "So you mean to tell me that you and this alpha right here had a one-night stand, am I right?"

Taehyung nods. Jungkook stared at the omega with wide eyes and mouth hanging open.

So, he remembered me?

"Yes, I remembered you, Kookie." exclaimed Taehyung when he noticed the alpha's surprised gaze, "I just don't know how to tell you because I'm not sure either myself if you remember me. That's why I couldn't tell the others because I don't want to shame you or most especially the pup inside me that his own father doesn't want him or recognize it was his. I'm sorry."

Jungkook's eyes went glassy. He was overwhelmed, yes but he was happy to know that the pup the omega is carrying is really his. His day couldn't even be much more better and special.

"Kids," Bong muttered under his breath with a fond smile on his lips. He wasn't prepared for another surprise. He thought hearing his son pregnant over the phone is already the shock of his life so he wasn't prepared when he learned that Taehyung had a one night stand to an alpha who had been taking care of him, acting like the pup is his own without knowing it was really his all along. Never thought drama plots could happen in reality, he thought.

"So it was you?!" they all turned their heads to the loud, familiar voice of Jimin with a complete shock written on his face, "You motherfu--! I'm gonna strangle you!"

Jimin chase Jungkook out of the restaurant while leaving Bong, Taehyung (that isn't sure if he wants to run after them to save Jungkook) and Yoongi.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Kim." greets Yoongi, bowing a little to him.

"It's nice to meet you too. I assume your Jimin's husband, yes?"

"Yes, and Jimin's mate." he replied, proudly as he smiled.

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